Help needed for the next challenge

Sep 11, 2010 19:22

I have a couple of ideas for the next few special challenges but don't want to heap them on you right after such a large challenge. One of them, however, requires some advance help from all of you.

NOTE: YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A WRITER FOR THE UPCOMING CHALLENGE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PORTION. That means that all of you that WATCH this community ( Read more... )

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lar_laughs September 12 2010, 01:23:39 UTC
Post your songs here


angstytimelord September 12 2010, 01:54:32 UTC
"The Chain," by Fleetwood Mac
"Possession," by Sarah McLachlan
"Lips Like Morphine," by Kill Hannah
"Everything Counts," by Depeche Mode
"Holding Out For A Hero," by Bonnie Tyler

Those happened to be the first five that came up in shuffle. :)


lar_laughs September 12 2010, 02:05:04 UTC
Have you heard Frou Frou's version of Holding Out For A Hero? I think I like it better than Bonnie's! Heresy, I know.


angstytimelord September 12 2010, 02:13:53 UTC
I've gotta disagree. Frou Frou's version is good, but the original has such passion & thunder & just good ol' EXCITEMENT. Frou Frou's version is like a placid little pony plodding around in a circle on a leading rein, while the Bonnie Tyler version is a wild stallion galloping at top speed across the plains. To me, there's no comparison.


lar_laughs September 12 2010, 02:21:01 UTC
Ah, but I have history with Bonnie's version. It reminds me of a skit I was in for my Drama class in high school where a bunch of us choreographed a very silly routine to that song. It makes me laugh now! I can't take it serious.


angstytimelord September 12 2010, 02:36:12 UTC
Ah, I see. I just feel that there are only certain singers who can do justice to how epic Jim Steinman's songs are, & as much as I like Imogen Heap, she's just not one of them.


lar_laughs September 12 2010, 02:44:40 UTC
It is definitely an epic song and I do love Bonnie Tyler!


angstytimelord September 12 2010, 02:47:26 UTC
I still think the people best suited for Steinman's songs are the first two people who made them popular -- Meat Loaf & Ellen Foley (she was the female vocalist on "Paradise By the Dashboard Light," though that's not her in the video, it's Karla DeVito lip-synching to Foley's voice).

Meat Loaf -- well, everybody KNOWS what a major voice & stage presence the man has. And Foley .... WOW. I went to see her play live at a club in DC back in the late 80s, & she came out onstage & blew the whole place away. It was impossible to believe that this BIG HUGE VOICE was coming out of this barely 5 foot tall skinny little woman. To date, she's still THE most impressive live performer I've ever seen.


lar_laughs September 12 2010, 03:27:00 UTC
Oh my, yes! That is an AMAZING song and she has an AMAZING voice! I never realized she was a wee thing.

Blech! Why in the world did we ever allow people to lip synch? Such a waste!


angstytimelord September 12 2010, 03:35:34 UTC
I was amazed when she came out onstage & she was so tiny! I'd expected a really tall woman, like an Amazon.

Pat Benatar is the same way -- such an INCREDIBLE voice coming out of a teeny tiny little woman. Man, I think I'd be scared to hear those two onstage together -- I'd be afraid the roof would collapse on everybody there from the power of their voices!

Ugh, lip synching was THE WORST. It looks incredibly stupid, too! If an artist can't get out there & sing LIVE, then they're not worthy of calling themselves a musician. Besides, live performances are supposed to be raw & immediate & REAL, not all polished & showy. It irks me so bad when someone relies on lip synching & tapes. That's just a waste of their time, as well as the audience's. If they're going to do that, the audience might as well stay home & watch their videos, not go to a live show.


aaronlisa September 12 2010, 05:55:05 UTC
"Ghost" - Depeche Mode
"Staring At the Sun" - TV on the Radio
"Bring on the Night" - The Police
"Hearts on Fire" - Cut Copy
"A Million Miles Away" - The Plimsouls


angstytimelord September 12 2010, 18:19:33 UTC
I love your music choices! I thought I was the only person who still listened to the late great Plimsouls. I love that band so, so much.

By any chance, is the TV on the Radio song a cover of the song of the same name by Ultra Vivid Scene? Just curious.


aaronlisa September 12 2010, 18:24:08 UTC
Unfortunately it's not.


angstytimelord September 12 2010, 18:25:41 UTC
Ah well, I might just check it out anyway. It's never a bad thing to get into new bands. :)


zetaori September 12 2010, 15:23:15 UTC
Muse - Fury
Metallica - Frantic
Shitdisco - I Know Kung Fu
Nirvana - Territorial Pissing
The Horrors - Gloves

They are all a bit ... aggressive. Sorry for that.


atatteredrose September 12 2010, 17:36:43 UTC
Sunday Morning, Yellow Sky by October Project
Happiness by Grant Lee Buffalo
I Saw Nick Drake by Robyn Hitchcock
Clumsy by Our Lady Peace
Pure Morning by Placebo


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