Yellow Brick Road (The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy, FR13/PG13)

Sep 08, 2010 09:58

Title: Yellow Brick Road
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: The Wizard of Oz (movie-verse)
Pairing/Characters: Dorothy Gale
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Wizard of Oz belongs to Frank L Baum, MGM and company.
Prompts: Written for the VRD challenge at 5_prompts for this picture.
Notes: Set post-movie, contains only movie-canon.
Summary: Yet that first step on the yellow brick road, the first step of her adventures, was surely real.
Word Count: 274

Yellow Brick Road

challenge: vrd challenge, author: aaronlisa, vrd - yellow, fandom: the wizard of oz (movie),

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