Fic: When the Lights Go Out - BLACK

Jun 26, 2010 22:26

I apologize but I might get kinda spammy as I get some of these fics finished up for the AWESOME LADIES FICATHON.

TITLE: When the Lights Go Out
AUTHOR: lar_laughs
FANDOM: Firefly
PAIRING: Kaylee/Jayne (if you squint)
PROMPT: BLACK - when the lights go out for the 5_prompts VRD challenge & I could stand to hear a little more for myr_soleil at the AWESOME LADIES FICATHON comment fic.
SUMMARY: Kaylee works... a lot.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part Firefly and if I was president, this would still be on television and Joss would be knighted.

Kaylee was getting plain tired of Jayne always being underfoot. She had nearly tripped over his long legs since he’d discovered he could make himself comfortable against the engine casing. The only problem was that the engine took up most of the room and he was taking up the rest of it. It was exceedingly irritating.

If only she had the heart to tell him to leave. Problem was that his company was entertaining as she went about her business. No one liked the engine room. It was either too dirty or too loud or too confusion. Every so often Mal would come by to make sure she was still working at keeping his ship in the air but no one else took the time to come down since Inara had gone… well, she didn’t like to think about how much she missed her friend.

“Well, I’m just ramblin’. You’ll be wanting me to leave you in peace now.” He began to move about like he was going to stand up. “Don’t know why I’m feelin’ as if I need to share so much all of a sudden.”

Not having him here suddenly seemed like a very bad thing. Almost without conscious thought, Kaylee hit the switch that supplied power to the main lights on this level. The room was suddenly blanketed in a comforting gray.

She heard Jayne scramble about, most likely for his weapon as if he expected someone to jump out and yell boo. “What was that?”

Before he could get too worked up, Kaylee settled down next to him, her hand covering his where it rested on his gun. “It weren’t nothing. A fuse blew.”

“Shouldn’t you be doing something about that?”

“I’m sure it’ll work itself out. Now, I could stand to hear a little more ‘bout what you were talking about.”

That got his attention, settling him right down. In the faded light, Kaylee smiled to herself. She’d get back to work in a few minutes. For now, she was going to enjoy herself.

challenge: vrd challenge, vrd - black, !fic, author: lar_laughs, , fandom: firefly

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