[fic] "Lay Here With Me"

Oct 07, 2013 01:06

Title: Lay Here With Me
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing: Spain and Romano
Prompt: Table 35; Prompt 5: Lines from Shannon Curtis’ Before the Sun
Words: 2661
Rating: M for gratuitous nudity and adult themes
Warnings: yaoi
Summary: Spain and Romano indulge in some “kiss and make up” sex…
Author’s note: Thanks to my beta Jen for looking this over for me & helping me heat it up.
Author’s note 2: The lines from Before the Sun which were used here are as follows: So before the sun crawls in through the shades / Before we remember how to be afraid /Before it gets too hard to believe / Lay here with me / Before we count up what this will cost /Before the present to the past is lost / And all that’s left is a faint memory /Lay here with me

Spain strummed his guitar while Romano puttered around the kitchen. He half listened to his beloved muttering to himself in Italian as he banged the dirty pots and pans around, while he tidied things up. Spain had heard the song he was trying to play on the radio, when he was away visiting Prussia. It had made quite an impression on him, especially since he had had a fight with Romano about Prussia before he had left to visit his friend. The song seemed to sum up exactly how he felt about his beloved Pequeño Tomate and he was doing his best to learn it so that he could sing his apology to him, since simply saying he was sorry generally sparked another fight.

“So before the sun crawls in through the shades… Before we remember how to be afraid… Before it gets too hard to believe… Lay here with me…” he sang. “Before we count up what this will cost… Before the present to the past is lost… And all that’s left is a faint memory… Lay here with me…”

Romano paused to listen to his beloved singing while he washed their lunch dishes. Their reunion over tapas last night had quickly turned into a continuation of the fight they were having before Spain left on his trip. Dumping the empty dishpan in the sink, he sighed softly as he recalled their fight and how stupid it was. “Hey, Tomato-bastard, I’m going to take a siesta.” Romano wiped his hands dry on a dish towel.

Spain, setting his guitar aside, got up to go follow him. When Romano passed by, Spain reached out and grabbed his arm. “Mi Pequeño Tomate…” he began when his beloved stopped and turned to look at him, “Por favor, perdóname por ser estúpido, mi corazón…” Spain reached up, and cupping Romano’s cheek, he said softly, “Te quiero demasiado, Romano.” Please forgive me for being stupid… You know I love you…

Romano looked away and back. “Non essere un idiota, è tutta colpa mia e tu lo sai.” Don’t be an idiot, it's all my fault and you know it…

Spain chuckled. This is why I love you, Romano... He pulled his beloved close.

“Hey! It’s not funny, you idiot!” Romano cried. His expression softened when Spain leaned to kiss him. “Andiamo a fare una siesta...” he said, his voice low and husky. Let’s go take a siesta… He wrapped his arms around his beloved, melting into his warm embrace. Prickly by nature and terribly insecure, Romano was often slow to open up and trust Spain not to hurt him, despite his beloved telling him numerous times he would rather die than do so. But he just could not shake the feeling that he had been passed around like a party favor, especially since Spain seemed to take it in stride that Romano had had a little dalliance with Prussia at the World 8’s Spring Fling Mixer. When he heard that Prussia had wanted him to come along for a three-some, he started a fight with Spain of epic proportions.

Spain held him, murmuring soft little words of love in a mix of Spanish and Italian. “I’d love to go lie with you…” He nuzzled Romano’s cheek.

“Just me and not that Albino-bastard too?” Romano said softly.

“Just you, mi Pequeño Tomate.”

“Then what are you waiting for, you stupid Tomato-bastard?” A faint smile tugged Romano’s lips briefly upwards as he was unable to stay mad at his beloved for very long

Spain laughed. He stepped away from Romano and said, “After you.”

Romano rolled his eyes and grumbled softly in Italian. Shaking his head, he pushed past Spain, heading towards the back of the villa where their bedroom was. He smiled to himself at the faint sound of footsteps that dogged him. All was forgiven and they would spend the afternoon, lazily making love, before falling to sleep in each other’s arms. Romano found his thoughts drifting back to when he had first met Spain. He felt his cheeks heating up when he realized they had always shared a bed, mainly because he used to wet his own when he was little, but somewhere along the line, they had become lovers. When they had crossed that line, Romano had no idea, nor did he care that he could not remember. What mattered, as he entered their bedroom, was that they were still lovers.

Pulling his shirt up and over his head, Romano could not help protesting, however feebly, when Spain wrapped his arms around him from behind. It felt good, just like the way his breath ghosted across Romano’s skin as he kissed his bare shoulder, or the familiar bulge pressed against the small of his back. “It’s too hot for this shit, you stupid Tomato-bastard.”

Spain answered him with another butterfly soft kiss.

“What are you? Too stupid to listen, hunh?” Romano closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side, giving his lover better access to his neck.

Spain chuckled softly and kissed his beloved. He slid his hand down Romano’s torso, trying his best to slip it into the waistband of his pants. He nibbled the tender flesh, smiling inwardly when Romano’s testy retort melted into a low moan. His beloved little Tomato shifted in his arms. After a few minutes of deft work, his pants were open, granting Spain easy access, which he took advantage of. Reaching inside, he wormed his hand under the waistband of Romano’s boxers, eagerly finding his prize. He nibbled and sucked on his beloved’s neck, loving the feel of building excitement as he stroked the column of flesh.

Romano leaned back against him. He moaned softly, while Spain continued to stroke his burgeoning erection. Pushing his back against Spain, he ground against the hardness he felt in his lover’s pants. Closing his eyes, Romano gave himself over to the sensations that ran down his spine to pool deep within his cock. His moans grew louder and his breath hitched in his throat the longer Spain stroked. “Idiota!” Romano said breathlessly, “if you keep this up, I’m going to mess in my pants!”

“So…?” Spain said as he nuzzled his little Tomato’s cheek.

“It’s disgusting!”

“You’re right; it is disgusting to waste it.” Spain rubbed the head of his beloved’s cock with his thumb. “Mi corazón… Te quiero mucho,” he murmured in Romano’s ear. My heart… I want you so much…

Romano made a little sound of disgust as he pulled away and turned to face him. He frowned, his cheeks heating up when Spain cupped his cheek. “Idiota.”

Spain leaned in for a kiss. “Bésame mucho, Romano… bésame, por favor…” He kissed him softly, gently and Romano kissed him back, deepening it, as he was hard and he wanted him now. Breaking the kiss, Spain chuckled at the murderous look his beloved Tomato shot him. “Perdóname, mi corazón; lo siento me olvidé de eso,” he said playfully as he palmed the bulge Romano’s pants. Forgive me, my heart; I’m sorry, I forgot about that… “Sit on the bed,” Spain said; his voice low and husky. “And take your pants off first.” He kissed his beloved again. “I know how to fix that and then I want to spend the afternoon making love to you…”

“Shut up, you stupid Tomato-bastard, and just do it!” Romano turned, and walking over to their bed, he did as he was told. He sat there, his pants round his ankles with his legs spread apart as he stroked himself. As embarrassing as he found it, he knew Spain loved watching him pleasure himself.

Spain stood there, watching him for several heartbeats, before some of the blood that was pooling in his cock, reached his brain. “Yes, Boss!” he said as he hurried over. Kneeling in front of his Pequeño Tomate, took his cock in hand, briefly pumping it, before engulfing it in his mouth. He sucked and licked, bobbing his head up and down, as he slowly inched Romano closer to his release.

Romano moaned softly. Closing his eyes, he threaded his fingers through Spain’s hair. Rather than guiding his movements, Romano simply moved with him. His beloved Tomato-bastard was good with his tongue, licking the thick vein under the head of his cock, and making him moan, Romano muttered softly in Italian, he had missed Spain terribly while he was gone and now that he was back, doing all those things Romano longed for him to do in his absence, he wanted to savor and prolong the moment. However, Romano’s body had other ideas. The little jolts of pleasure he felt, that were pooling deep within his cock, were rapidly becoming one big mass of it. Lolling his he head back, his breathing quickened as a low moan escaped his lips. Instead of going with Spain’s movements, Romano began directing them as he inched closer to his release. His balls tightening, he moaned as he started to cum.

Spain tightened his grip on Romano’s thighs as he flicked his tongue across the head of Romano’s cock. He could tell by the taste it was not going to be long before his beloved Pequeño Tomate came. Letting Romano dictate his movements, Spain did all those things he knew his little Italian lover loved. Bobbing his head up and down, he felt the muscles in Romano’s thighs tighten. A soft moan, part pleasure, part frustration at not being able to thrust into Spain’s mouth, escaped his beloved’s lips.

Unable to hold back any longer, Romano spewed his hot, bitter essence into the warm confines of Spain’s mouth. Releasing his grip on his beloved’s head, he moaned while Spain bobbed his head up and down, sucking him dry. Romano lay there, panting as he basked in his sexual high.

Pulling away with a loud slurp, Spain rested his hands on Romano’s thighs as if he were unwilling to let go of him. A smile tugged the corners of his mouth upwards; his beloved Pequeño Tomate looked so cute with a faint blush dusting his cheeks pink and his brow knit together in a slight frown as he slowly came back to himself. “Mi corazón…?”


“Move up… please?” Spain was hard pressed to surpass a smile when Romano hiked himself up on his elbows and glared at him.

“What for?” Romano demanded when it hit him. “Oh…”

“Yeah…” Spain let go of him and stood. While Romano made himself comfortable in bed, he hurried to get undressed. When he was as naked as his beloved Tomato, Spain crawled in bed with him. He snuggled up next to Romano, caressing his body, and whispering sweet little words of love in a mix of Spanish and Italian to him. It was all part of their dance of love which was as fiery and passionate as a tango and frenzied as a tarantella.

Tender touches soon gave way to more heated ones. Spain was blanketing his beloved little Tomato and grinding his hip against his, while Romano cupped his butt. It was delicious skin to skin contact, and Spain could not help letting out a soft moan.

“Mi corazón… Mi Pequeño Tomate… Te quiero mucho,” Spain said between kisses. “Soy feliz de compartir cada instante de me vida a tu lado…” My heart… My Little Tomato… I love you so much… I’m happy to share each moment of my life by your side…

Romano snorted in disgust.“Zitto, idiota!” he said softly, although Spain’s little words of love warmed his heart. “Just shut up and kiss me.” He slid his hands up his beloved’s back and into his hair. Threading his fingers through Spain’s silky strands, he pulled him closer, kissing him long and hard, before Spain broke it.

“Ready, mi corazón?” Spain asked; his voice low and husky with desire.

“Sì,” Romano said as he let go of him. Bending his legs at the knees, he spread his legs wide.

Spain sat up on his heels between Romano’s legs. He spat on his hand and using his saliva as a makeshift lube, he coated his beloved’s hole. He spat again, rubbing onto the head of his cock. Taking it in his hand, he lined himself as he leaned forward. Spain slowly pushed past the ring of tight muscle, moaning as he did so. He slowly built his rhythm, wanting to make sweet passionate love to his beloved Tomato. While it felt good to thrust inside him, this was all about pleasuring Romano. He took his time, lazily making love to him. Spain loved the play of emotion that flitted across his beloved’s face as they inched their way towards completion.

Romano let out a string of Italian curses as he fisted the sheets. He had grown hard again as the pleasurable sensations ran down his spine to pool deep within his cock. As his beloved thrust deeply inside him, he would lightly brush against Romano’s cock and the unintentional teasing threatened to send him quickly over the edge. “Fuck me harder, you idiot!” he swore.

“Yes, Boss!” Spain kissed his nose and quickened his pace, thrusting harder into Romano. He moaned softly, loving how tight his beloved felt. Trying to hold on a bit longer, Spain found he could not as it just felt too good. He thrust a few more times and, balls tightening, he started to cum.

Romano moaned loudly in Spain’s ear. He had also started to cum, spewing his hot essence between the two of them as Spain continued to pound away in him. Wrapping his arms around his beloved’s neck, Romano rode out the wave of his orgasm. Afterwards, he laid there, his face buried in the crook of Spain’s neck as they both panted. Neither one wanted to move as they were both caught up in their sexual high and they remained that way, joined together until Spain grew too soft and he pulled out.

“Let’s quickly clean up and take a siesta,” Spain murmured as he nuzzled Romano’s cheek.

“I can’t go anywhere, you stupid Tomato-bastard, with you lying on me like a dead fish.”

Spain chuckled. “Yes, Boss!” He kissed Romano’s nose, before rolling off of him and onto his back. He lay there, listening to Romano grumble softly in Italian as he got up out of bed to clean himself off. Spain watched as he poured some water from the pitcher in the room into its matching basin. Taking one of the towels, Romano dipped it into the water, wringing it out and using it to wipe away the remains of his spent lust on his stomach.

“What are you looking at?”

“I’m looking at what a hot sexy papacito you are,” Spain said.

“Asshole!” Romano glared at him, his cheeks a bright pink.

Spain grinned back at him and Romano turned away, grumbling softly to himself. He got up out of bed and padded over to his Pequeño Tomate. Ignoring him as he walked past, Spain quickly washed up. He wanted to get back in bed with Romano and just lie with him until sleep over took them both. After he had finished dying himself off, Spain hurried back to bed. He crawled into it and snuggled up next to Romano. They fussed a bit, trying to get comfortable, and soon they were. His little Tomato was lying there, with his head pillowed on his chest and Spain wrapped his arms around him holding him close.

“What was that song you were singing before?”

“It’s called Before the Sun, why?”

“Sing it to me, you stupid Tomato-bastard.”

“So before the sun crawls in through the shades… Before we remember how to be afraid… Before it gets too hard to believe… Lay here with me…” Spain sang. “Before we count up what this will cost… Before the present to the past is lost… And all that’s left is a faint memory… Lay here with me…”

fandom: axis powers hetalia, !fic, author: kiramaru7, table 35

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