May 22, 2013 23:32
The title of (and idea for) this challenge comes from the Doctor Who episode where Donna decides to do something different at a critical juncture in her storyline. She turns right (into an alternate plot line) instead of left (the original plot line). Such a little thing but it changes everything.
Your challenge is to take a story and "turn right". Find a critical juncture and have the character do the opposite thing. For instance, a woman might turn down a dinner invitation and not meet the man who would become her husband. Or a boy might decide not to try out for the basketball team and never gets that eight figure deal with the Miami Heat.
The story can be one of your own, either original or fanfiction. You could choose to take on another universe not of your own and create a story that veers away from canon from one moment of time.
Word Count: Minimum 500 words, no maximum
Date of Challenge: May 23 - July 1
Please post your story (to the community) with this header (with the addition of the plot point):
Word Count:
Link to original story: (or a link to the original timeline - for instance, a wikipedia link)
Turn Right Moment: (example: Steve doesn't go down with the ship)
Word Count:
Link to original story:
Turn Right Moment:
Go forth and create! Ask any questions you have below!
!mod post,
challenge: turn left