5 Fics (3 Buffy, 1 Criminal Minds, 1 Original - Rating G for all)

Dec 12, 2012 15:21

All Table 59!

Title: Guilt
Author: Mierke
Fandom & Disclaimer: Criminal Minds - It’s not mine, it’s Jeff Davis’. I’m just borrowing his world and very thankful for the chance.
Pairing/Characters: JJ
Prompt: It’s been a lie this whole time for 5_prompts
Words: 100
Rating: G
Spoilers/Timeline: Set after season 7
Summary: JJ looks back


Title: Remembering
Author: Mierke
Fandom & Disclaimer: Buffy - It’s not mine, it’s Joss Whedon’s. I’m just borrowing his world and very thankful for the chance.
Pairing/Characters: Giles/Jenny
Prompt: Day of the dead for 5_prompts
Words: 100
Rating: G
Spoilers/Timeline: Set a couple of years after Passion (2.17)
Summary: Giles still grieves


Title: Making a difference
Author: Mierke
Fandom & Disclaimer: Buffy - It’s not mine, it’s Joss Whedon’s. I’m just borrowing his world and very thankful for the chance.
Pairing/Characters: Giles, Buffy
Prompt: All the knowledge in the world for 5_prompts
Words: 100
Rating: G
Spoilers/Timeline: Set during Prophecy Girl (1.12)
Summary: Giles wants to save Buffy


Title: Living forever
Author: Mierke
Fandom & Disclaimer: Buffy - It’s not mine, it’s Joss Whedon’s. I’m just borrowing his world and very thankful for the chance.
Pairing/Characters: Willow, Xander
Prompt: We all long for immortality for 5_prompts
Words: 100
Rating: G
Spoilers/Timeline: Pre-series
Summary: Willow and Xander talk about immortality


Title: Haunted
Author: Mierke
Fandom & Disclaimer: Original; this is mine.

Words: 111
Warning: A poem

fandom: criminal minds, fandom: buffy, table 59, !fic, fandom: original, author: mierke

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