RecompenseFandom: Transformers IDW
Characters: Gasket, Drift
Word Count: 617
Prompt: 25:04 we'll bleed together
Rating: PG
Summary: Gasket finds an injured Drift
MarginaliaFandom: Transformers IDW
Characters: Jetfire
Word Count: 253
Prompt: 19:01 Beyond the edges
Rating: PG
Summary: Jetfire introspects
No PlaceFandom: Transformers IDW
Characters: Perceptor, Verity
Word Count: 496
Prompt: 62:013 the history of a place
Rating: PG
Summary: Perceptor takes a break before loading the dead from Garrus 9
Home GuardFandom: Transformers, IDW
Characters: Wing, Drift
Word Count: 431
Prompt: 38:02 draw your sword
Rating: PG
Summary: Wing teaches.
Black BowlFandom: Transformers IDW
Characters: Drift
Word Count: 458
Prompt: 41.01 standing in awe
Rating: PG
Summary: Drift revisits the battlefield on Cybertron