Written In the Stars Challenge - Part 2

Dec 08, 2011 15:59

Author: mihnn
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson
Words: 100
Summary: How the stars influenced Pansy Parkinson.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. Not me.

Title: Realisations
Prompt: Libra G7. The world you inhabit this week is fraught with strange complications and oddities.
Rating: G
Warnings: None.

She liked spending time with Harry Potter!

Had Pansy come to this conclusion while having a drink in her hand, maybe she would not have been this nervous or fearful of such a thought.

Unfortunately, she was not leaning against a wall, nor was she alone in her bedroom. She was, instead, attending a boring Ministry ball in silence after having nearly made a fool of herself earlier.

She hadn’t acted so spiteful and juvenile in years; and all it took was seeing her new ‘friend’ speak chummily to another woman.

She actually liked him! Merlin, she needed a drink.

Title: Sacrifice
Prompt: Scorpio H1. Expand your circle of friends.
Rating: G
Warnings: None.

She wished Draco was sitting next to her, not the red-head or the one with the messy, brown curls or the blonde who chose to read her menu upside down so to find the ‘secret messages embedded in the words’.

Why was she doing this again? That’s right; she asked Potter for help and he helped by bringing reinforcements who kept staring at her like she was a ghoul who ate little children.

“Shall we begin?” Potter asked with a smile while he definitely ignored how uncomfortable they all were.

It’s a good thing he had such a charming smile.

Title: Hasty Decisions
Prompt: Sagittarius I5. Be ready to jump in head first.
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Light violence

Of all the nerve…

That was her thought when she had stormed away from him and that was still the thought that raced through her brain when he followed her.

She was pissed. Actually, she was beyond pissed. He had no right in treating her like such a child. So, when he tried to explain exactly why he had acted chauvinistic and tried to save her from humiliation, she slapped him. And while he was still dazed, she kissed him. It was a shuffle of feet, tugging of clothes and one frantic kiss after another.

She didn’t let him stop.

Title: Differences
Prompt: Capricorn J11. Someone who has constructive opinions is actually rooting for you.
Rating: G
Warnings: None.

He doesn’t like her job, he doesn’t like her friends, and he doesn’t like her family.

He would always try to push her on the Weasleys but would make excuses when it comes to meeting people from her world. If she could ignore the fact that his friends had no class he could definitely ignore the fact that her family didn’t look kindly on those who were not pure-bloods. They disagreed on everything, from who was right to who was wrong.

But, he did like her. On some deep, deep, deep down level, she knew that that mattered the most.

Title: Broken Promises
Prompt: Aquarius K11. You are willing to risk playing the fool.
Rating: G
Warnings: None

It surprised her how happy she was when she had done something that was so against her principles of life. She had promised herself that she would never back down; she had promised herself that she would always do what she wanted and damn those who didn’t agree; she had promised herself that she would never change her opinion and never hide that she never changed it.

But, just too see the spark in his eyes and the wide smile of his lips, Pansy never thought that she would break all that she had promised herself.

And all for Harry.

Title: A happy Ending
Prompt: Pisces L4. A certain difficulty may seem important, but it won't last.
Rating: G
Warnings: None

There were too many factors to consider; too many people. There would be whispers wherever they go, people would talk about how odd it was for a person like her - with her nose that no magic could effectively change - could get the golden boy of the wizarding world.

No one would be happy about this. Certainly, her parents wouldn’t be, neither would his friends or her acquaintances.

On the other hand, she really wanted to do what he was asking her to do.

Bugger them all, thought Pansy. He was kneeling for Merlin’s sake.

“Yes, Harry Potter. I’ll marry you.”

challenge: written in the stars, author: mihnn, fandom: harry potter

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