Written in the Stars Fics

Dec 04, 2011 14:54

Since there's so many of these, I'm going to post the links to the new stories and the ones I wrote earlier in the challenge all in one post, just to make keeping track of them easier!

A8. You just won't be sure yet if it's a long trip or a day just to get away.

B2. Sooner or later, your time will be up.

Title: a heart that's not walking away
Fandom: Original.
Pairing: Liam/Amanda.
Word Count: 802
Rating: T (thematic material)
Warnings: References to parental abandonment.
Disclaimer: None -- I actually do own these characters. Huzzah! I do not own the lyrics in the title and epigraph (that's all Mat Kearney), and the line that makes up Liam's album title is the Fray's (although, in-universe, it's Liam's). All credit goes to the original author.
Summary: Late night. Dark thoughts. Liam starts wondering about his and Amanda's future in relation to his career prospects, and his father's insistence that history could repeat itself.
Notes: Liam and Amanda are one of my original couples. This is for the Written in the Stars challenge at
5_prompts (Prompt C1. The last thing you need is more worry.

D3. Expect fireworks!

Title: To the Stars
Fandom(s): White Collar (fusion with Doctor Who)
Pairing: Neal/Sara
Word Count: 2,272
Rating: G (nothing objectionable)
Warnings: None!
Disclaimer: White Collar is not mine, nor is the Whoniverse. In other words, I have about as much right to them as Neal did Sara's Raphael, which is to say, not much. At least I admit it. A few references are also made to other things I don't own, such as Star Trek.
Summary: Insurance investigator Sara Ellis never thought anything of hers would be stolen right in front of her. Intergalactic conman The Grifter wasn't anticipating the owner of the car he was stealing to interrupt him in the act. Now that they're stuck together, sparks might just fly--and Sara might get offered the chance of a lifetime.
Notes: This is a much-expanded version of a ficlet I wrote for the three-sentence AU meme over at Tumblr. The prompt I was initially given was Neal/Sara - he's the Doctor; she's the soon-to-be-companion. That ficlet can be found here. This is basically the two of them in the Doctor Who universe, but in the place of/without any of the Doctor Who characters--I'm given to understand that's called a fusion fic, the characters of one thing in the universe of another.

This is for the Written in the Stars challenge at
5_prompts (Prompt E14. A spark of romance is almost a given).

Title: excerpt of Chapter 13, "Come Undone", from Surviving
Fandom(s): The OC
Pairing: Ryan/Marissa
Word Count: 1,220
Rating: T (sexual content; references to anatomy and such, but only in foreplay--nothing too explicit, IMO)
Warnings: None!
Disclaimer: I don't own them! I just borrow them.
Summary: After much deliberation, Ryan and Marissa decide to take the leap and have sex for the first time.
Notes: This is part of the latest chapter of my WIP, an AU wherein Ryan and Marissa are older (late twenties) and meet up by chance in upstate New York in a support group for the bereaved. In this universe, Marissa was sent off to San Diego after 1x08, thus her and Ryan never officially happened.

This is for the Written in the Stars challenge at
5_prompts (Prompt F14. This is only a preview of the truly romantic gifts coming) and for my claim at
lover100 (Table B, Prompt #11 - intimacy).

Title: and i will try to fix you
Fandom: Original
Pairing: Adam/Lauren
Word Count: 750
Rating: T (some upsetting material)
Warnings: A character is suffering from depression and has stopped taking her medication; references are made to a prior miscarriage.
Disclaimer: None -- I actually do own these characters. Huzzah!
Summary: Adam tries to broach an uncomfortable and upsetting subject with his wife, and confessions and promises follow.
Notes: Adam and Lauren are one of my original couples. This is for the Written in the Stars challenge at
5_prompts (Prompt G4: You'll have a much clearer picture of what you want and need from a partner).

Title: would they see a poor boy?
Fandom(s): The OC
Pairing: Ryan/Marissa
Word Count: 1,508
Rating: T (very brief language)
Warnings: References are made to parental abandonment, divorce, alcoholism, and shoplifting.
Disclaimer: I don't own them! I just borrow them.
Summary: Ryan and Marissa's viewing of Aladdin conjures complicated emotions and associations for both of them. Set shortly after "The Homecoming" (1x11).
Notes: Canon compliant, unlike other RM fics of mine! This is for the Written in the Stars challenge at
5_prompts (H11. Home is where the heart is so stay home and watch a movie) and for my claim at
lover100 (Table B, Prompt #7 - hardest truth).

Title: The Right Place For Love
Fandom(s): Doctor Who
Pairing: The Doctor, Amy, and Rory as Team TARDIS; Amy/Rory; 11/Rory friendship
Word Count: 1,536
Rating: K
Warnings: None!
Disclaimer: I don't own them! I steal them from time to time, like the Doctor stole the TARDIS. The poem I quoted in the epigraph is Robert Frost's; I own nothing.
Summary: AU. “She’s not coming back,” Rory said faintly. Amy makes the decision to leave the TARDIS, but Rory wants to stay. Faced with the knowledge that Amy has walked away and isn't coming back, Rory struggles with his conflicting emotions.
Notes: This was long my headcanon ending for the Ponds, and though I do adore the end of "The God Complex", I had friends begging me to write this one regardless. Commentary about my thought process behind it will be along sometime soon.

This is for the Written in the Stars challenge at
5_prompts (I15. You'll either be moved to comfort a friend, or conversely, leave one behind.) and for the Exits and Entrances challenge at

Title: You and I
Fandom(s): The OC
Pairing: Ryan/Marissa
Word Count: 2,246
Rating: K
Warnings: None!
Disclaimer: I don't own them! I just borrow them. I also don't own the lyrics by Ingrid Michaelson in the epigraph; all credit goes to her.
Summary: AU; future fic. Ryan has a plan: to build a home for him and Marissa. But building a home isn't always about the framework and blueprints--there's some other things you might need, like a family. And on that front, Marissa's got an unexpected surprise.
Notes: AU, clearly. This is an expansion of a ficlet I wrote for the three-sentence AU meme on Tumblr; the original prompt was Ryan/Marissa - They went to college together and are now engaged. Marissa wants to buy a house, but Ryan wants to build her one.

This is for the Written in the Stars challenge at
5_prompts (J12. Barrel forward with home improvement projects.) and for my claim at
lover100 (Table B, Prompt #10 - home).

K1. You'll have zero difficulty tolerating the same person everyone else seems to be running from.

L2. Your best moments are coming.

author: haveloved, fandom: the oc, !fic, fandom: original, fandom: doctor who, challenge: written in the stars, !au

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