
Dec 01, 2011 03:03

For the Written in the Stars challenge can I still submit posts on the 1st december? I mean like noon or even evening of the 1st December? Because as you may notice from my failing grammar and word choice I am terribly exhausted and for me it's roughly 3 am and my last two stories aren't finished yet .,... well at least the next 6:

Title: Let lie
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing/Characters: US/UK
Table: Written in the Stars challenge
Prompt: K10. Creativity isn't always easy.
Words: 550
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Alfred succeeds in getting his mentally insane patient interested in something ...

Let lie )

Title: Deep, deep within the shadowed recesses of your mind
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing/Characters: past US/UK; Us -> Uk?
Table: Written in the Stars challenge
Prompt: A11. Deep, deep within the shadowed recesses of your mind
Words: 1215
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Is he being stalked or not? Does Arthur hallucinate or not?
Deep, deep within the shadowed ... )

Title: Comfort
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing/Characters: US/UK
Table: Written in the Stars challenge
Prompt:J10. Criticism and rejection are not the same thing.
Words: 578
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Alfred can't help but break down due to rejections after rejections ...

Comfort )

Title: Dark Nights
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing/Characters: US/UK
Table: Written in the Stars challenge
Prompt:E10. That's not going to happen.
Words: 753
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Alfred remembers how he had to lose something to go up the ladder ...

Dark Nights )

Title: Dark Days
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing/Characters: US/UK
Table: Written in the Stars challenge
Prompt:F2. You're in danger of being manipulated.
Words:  1132
Rating: PG-15
Summary: To help reach his love his dream Arthur would even give him up ... Sequel/companion tp Dark Nights

Dark Days )

Title: Villains and Heroes
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing/Characters: US/UK
Table: Written in the Stars challenge
Prompt: L6. It was never yours to solve.
Words: 1476
Rating: PG-15
Summary: A superhero makes a startling discovery about one of his arch enemies ...

Villains and heroes )

fandom: axis powers hetalia, author: snowshoebombay, challenge: written in the stars

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