The Twenty Fourth of November

Nov 24, 2011 11:19

On iffy internet again today as I'm at my parent's house. Those of you in the United States are celebrating Thanksgiving today. Those of you who aren't, you can give thanks that you won't be forced to try some sort of new jello dish with carrots in it. *shakes head* Why, oh why, do they keep putting carrots in gelatin?!?!?!?!

1. With every breath you take you’re dying
With every step we take we’re falling apart
If we only had one chance we'd breathe
Let’s take the chance right now and scream
You only live one life
For a very short time
So make every second divine
You Only Live Once by Suicide Silence

2. I'll always be around

3. We've got an hour to figure it out

4. choking the bile down

5. you've inspired me

(I keep forgetting the Dares! Sorry! I'm used to just having FIVE things to think of!)
Dare: Dance it out! Take one character or many characters and have them bust a move! Slow or fast, just get them moving!

challenge: month of november, author: shuriken7, author: angstytimelord, author: lar_laughs, !mod post, author: mierke, author: kiramaru7, challenge: nanowrimo

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