The Third Day of November

Nov 02, 2011 21:10

Everyone is off to a great start! Keep it up! If you need a kick in the butt, well...

1. If I ever get the nerve up to say hello

2. clear the floor

3. A cynic is a person searching for an honest man - with a stolen lantern. - Edgar A. Shoaff


5. they're swarming

DARE: Have a character swear unexpectedly. Extra points* if there are other characters around to stare in shocked silence.

(* there are no points but it always sounds cooler to offer points)

challenge: month of november, author: shuriken7, author: angstytimelord, author: lar_laughs, author: ocvalkyrie, !mod post, author: meridian_rose, author: mierke, author: kiramaru7, challenge: nanowrimo

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