From Afar (Fic: Doctor Who, G)

Oct 24, 2011 01:06

Title: From Afar
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Nine, Rose, The Face of Boe
Word Count: 310
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for a certain revelation in "The Last of the Time Lords". You probably know the one I mean.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine! Nothing whatsoever.
Summary: The Face of Boe sees a duo he thought he'd never see again.
Notes: Written in the light of my rewatch of 1x02, "The End of the World". Everything is somehow harsher and yet more beautiful, knowing the truth about the Face of Boe. Also for Prompt B2 in the Written in the Stars challenge at
5_prompts: Sooner or later, your time will be up.

( ... )

author: haveloved, !fic, fandom: doctor who, challenge: written in the stars

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