Table 5 Completed (Bleach)

Aug 26, 2011 11:39

Table: 5
Fandom: Bleach
Characters/Pairings: Ikkaku-centric + Eleventh Division, Kenpachi/Jushiro, Kenpachi + first!Yachiru, Kenpachi + Yachiru

Title: We Don't Need No Plan
Characters: Ikkaku-centric, the Eleventh Division [Kenpachi, Yachiru, Yumichika, Nakanishi Sogen (OC)]
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,067
Summary: The Eleventh Division doesn't need a plan to survive.

Title: Midnight Intervention
Characters/Pairing: Kenpachi/Jushiro, Ikkaku, Yachiru
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,250
Summary: An interrupting phone call sets Kenpachi on edge.

Title: Beauty of the Night
Characters: Kenpachi, the first Yachiru
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,225
Summary: He has never known beauty until now.

Title: A Question of Showers
Characters/Pairing: Kenpachi/Jushiro, Yachiru, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Aramaki
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,825
Summary: Kenpachi searches high and low for Yachiru to give her a morning bath, only to have Jushiro show up on his doorstep with the brat asleep in his arms.

Title: The Thing About Konpeito Candy
Characters: Kenpachi, Yachiru
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,887
Summary: Kenpachi brings Yachiru out for breakfast. Unfortunately, she doesn't like toast very much.

fandom: bleach, !fic, author: stharridan, table 5

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