Two Tables Done!

Jul 09, 2011 16:57

Hooray! laerkstrein finished Table 50 & 45!

01. it's for your own good - Can't Make Me
02. secret location - The Secret Window
03. the sound of a bullet - Pop Goes the Weasel
04. blue light blinking - He Got It All Wrong
05. (pic of crossed rocks) - You Have to Look Hard

(All stories are in the Bleach fandom)

01. I've always walked the ragged edge - Superfluous
02. where the evidence led - Unexpected
03. my memory never fails me - Reject
04. talent can only take you so far - Smashing Melons
05. (pic of protector) - Petri Dish

(All stories are in the Bleach fandom)

table 50, table 45, fandom: bleach, author: laerkstrein, !mod post, !winner banner

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