Five Fics: "Forgiveness" Drabble Collection (Hetalia, PG-13)

Jul 07, 2011 22:05

Title: "Forgiveness" US/Japan Drabble Collection
Fandom: Hetalia
Characters: America (Alfred F. Jones)/Japan (Kiku Honda)
Prompt: Table 24/2. People Talk, Table 24/5. Picture of Toy Soldiers, Table 47/1. Greater Tragedies, Table 48/3. He disagrees, Table 48/4. It was just for fun
Words: 100 words each.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Five short stories about forgiving each other for slights large and small.
A/N: Slash. Hetalia deals with the personifications of nation-states. Some will be historical in nature and others will be examining them as just people.
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

I forgive you...

table 48, fandom: axis powers hetalia, author: shuriken7, !fic, table 24, table 47

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