Table 33 Completed (Bleach)

May 07, 2011 00:32

Table: 33
Fandom: Bleach
Pairings: Kenpachi + Yachiru, Mayuri/Retsu, Kenpachi/first!Yachiru

Title: Ghosts of the Past
Characters/Pairing: Kenpachi, Yachiru, mentions of the first Yachiru and Kenpachi/first!Yachiru
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1,206
Summary: One night, Kenpachi looks back on his past with the first Yachiru while the child lies sleeping in his bed.
A/N: Written for Table 33 of 5_prompts (prompt #1: bittersweet memories).

( So peaceful, a little angel in slumber. ) @ shoujo_s

Title: When the Best Falls
Characters: Kenpachi, Yachiru
Rating: PG-15
Word count: 549
Summary: In Yachiru's eyes, Kenpachi is the best - but sometimes even the best falls, and when they do, they fall hard.
A/N: Just a little novelization snippet of the aftermath of the fight between Kenpachi and Ichigo (episode 40). Don't ask - I just had to do it. Written for Table 33 of 5_prompts (prompt #2: performed by the best).

( "Cheer up, brat... I ain't dyin' jus' yet..." ) @ shoujo_s

Title: Merciless
Pairing: Mayuri/Retsu
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 356
Warnings: ...Sex. Again.
Summary: With her eyes she begs, with her body she receives, but Retsu knows that "mercy" doesn't exist in a madman's dictionary.
A/N: Written for Table 33 of 5_prompts (prompt #3: put it in). For laerkstrein who has corrupted me with Kurotsuchi/Unohana.

( It was wrong. It was wrong... and she knew it. ) @ shoujo_s

Title: I'm Always with You
Pairing: Kenpachi/first!Yachiru
Rating: PG-15
Word count: 1,084
Summary: With her last breath, Yachiru gives Zaraki a final reminder.
A/N: Just needed a little tragedy in the midst of all the Kenpachi and Yachiru fluff. Sorry if this came out all melodramatic. And, just to clarify this (because some people still don't get it), this first Yachiru literally means the first Yachiru. She's the child Kusajishi Yachiru's namesake, the one person whom Kenpachi ever admired. Written for Table 33 of 5_prompts (prompt: #4 - passed along).

( Everyone dies... There's no escaping it. ) @ shoujo_s

Title: The Tree House
Characters: Kenpachi, Yachiru
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 917
Summary: There is a place where Yachiru would go to seek refuge from the outside world.
A/N: Just a quick one before I leave for hell. I'll be on a semi-hiatus after this, for the whole month of May, but I'll most likely post more fics in between... Hopefully. :/ Written for Table 33 of 5_prompts (prompt #5: picture prompt).

( "It's gettin' late, runt. Get down here, ye need a damned shower!" ) @ shoujo_s

fandom: bleach, table 33, !fic, author: stharridan

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