How to use the prompts in this community - a tutorial

Feb 19, 2011 11:08

I've been wanting to do this entry for quite a while now but keep putting it off. Sorry about that!

So let's look at the current prompt table:

Table Number 37

true inspiration
what you mean to say

only once or twice
the tide is coming in


The first four prompts are always a little snippets of a thought. They can be used in a variety of ways. Many people have used them as a the title or as a bit of conversation. For instance, number 3 could be used in a sentence: She'd only been there once or twice but it wasn't hard to find it again, even in the dark.

It could also be used as the idea for the story without being directly copied into the story. Number 4 could be used for a story that is set near the water. You don't have to mention the tide directly.

Now the picture prompts are sometimes difficult but let's break this down. This particular picture has a lot of different bits to work with. Right off the top of my head, I can think of writing a story centered around these ideas: 1)a character reading a book, 2)a story set in a book store, 3)a character who collects posters, 4)a story set in a bedroom (with a book case), 5)a story centered around one of the posters in the picture, 6)using the phrase Keep Calm and Carry On, 7)a story about moving (because packing books is HARD), 8)a story with a room that has a candelabra somewhere in it... Do you see where I'm going with this?

These prompts are something to get the muse started but shouldn't hinder the muse at all! By the way, feel free to use any of the ideas up above if you like any of them!

If you ever have any questions about prompts, feel free to ask here or PM me!

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