Dec 19, 2010 00:53
There's a whole day left in the Cadenza Challenge... but you know I always let these things run long so don't stop writing just because you think your stories won't count. We're not one of those kinds of communities. If you have something you're working on, keep at it and I'll let you know when I'm ready to start making banners.
We have 99 whole people that have decided to put up the with CRUEL and UNUSUAL membership process we have in these parts. I told you that the initiation wasn't such a bad thing, didn't I? Hazing has been banned in most places in the world, after all. No, just kidding. Membership takes a quick and easy press of a button and then I press and button and BEHOLD, you are a member. Easy as pie. No, I take that back, pie is sort of hard to make. EASIER than pie.
This community has also just had a birthday. It was last month. Don't worry, I didn't get it a present either. But being one year old and being active, especially when there isn't one single fandom that it's attached to, is a big deal. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participates for making this a place that I'm proud to be a part of. And I would also like to thank everyone for the lack of drama. Sometimes this place is an oasis in the midst of a storm and that is very nice.
But would you humor me for a moment? Would you do a sort of one year check up? It's only one question and it's not in a poll because I'm lazy so you'll have to take the time to click and type in a reply.
The question is this: In this community, do you consider yourself to be a reader, a writer, a stalker or none of the above?
I'm really hoping to see AT LEAST 99 responses! *grins*