Title: Five Things Ariana Dumbledore Never Got To Say
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairing: Ariana D, Albus D, Aberforth D, Gellert G
Rating: G
Summary: Even if she couldn't speak them, Ariana felt them. Five things she was never able to speak out loud.
Author's Notes: How did it end up so long? :O Nearly 3,000 words.
.. five thing Ariana
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Comments 3
I wanted to cry after reading this. It's very sad and beautiful.
And um, sorry to nitpick, but:
Ariana did not let of something she wanted.
Maybe you mean, let go?
Yes, I have quite the obsession with Ariana! I think I've written half the fics about her on ff.net ;) lol. Thank you!
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