Title: Having it Both Ways: Five Ways Jenrya Never Interferes with Ryo and Ruki
What: Digimon Tamers fanfiction - one-shot
Rating: PG13 for snogging of the slash variety and vague implications of a threesome
Words: 3000
Summary: Five ways Jenrya never interferes with Ryo and Ruki whether accidental or deliberate, involving beginner's luck, insomnia, Takato's deck, a futon, and RENT. In that order. Ruki is just as surprised as you. Ruki, Ryo, and Jenrya in any and all combinations (but largely Jenrya/Ryo with Ryo/Ruki as a secondary pairing).
Notes: As I have never played the Digimon TCG and cannot find anything on it online, I have lovingly based it on the Pokemon TCG. Traitorous, I know.
Sample: (
Exploring a crooked mansion in the middle of the night, way to give the newcomer a 'not crazy' impression. )