Thank you so much! I'm sorry if I was nudging you to leave a comment on it. But I'm really glad you did. (I was so hoping people would be saying "Oh, get back in the bed!")
This fic was just too good to leave without commenting. XD (I was rooting for Frank the entire time. I would have sniffled if Cynthia left....I am such a nerd.)
Like I said, I was trying to hint that Walter was waiting in the subway so I wanted her to stay for that reason too, but mostly for poor lonely Frank.
When I got to the part where she actually came on to him, I thought "score!" and then "Frank don't be a dumbass like Henry" And I was writing it so I got him to not be...
Thank you for that. I would have pitched a fit and muttered about it for days. I almost screamed when Cynthia died in the game. (Frank does need his lovins. XD)
My reaction exactly. Henry and his shyness annoys the hell out of me sometimes. That reminds me! I was thinking of continuing the Cynthia/Henry ficlet I wrote for sh_het....
I was so frickin happy when Cynthia decided to stay! *fangirl squeal*
Fanfreakingtastical job! XD
This fic was just too good to leave without commenting. XD (I was rooting for Frank the entire time. I would have sniffled if Cynthia left....I am such a nerd.)
When I got to the part where she actually came on to him, I thought "score!" and then "Frank don't be a dumbass like Henry" And I was writing it so I got him to not be...
Thanks so much.
My reaction exactly. Henry and his shyness annoys the hell out of me sometimes. That reminds me! I was thinking of continuing the Cynthia/Henry ficlet I wrote for sh_het....
You're welcome!
That would be great... they are a hot couple.
I have trouble with "porn" scenes, so I might beg korinacaffeine or you to help me. I am so inept. *cries*
I adore you're icon by the way.
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