Thanks for voting!
airekuh, you've won our first minimix challenge!
Here's your banner. (I tried to make it coordinate with your cover art a bit.)
I've edited your post with the coveted "challenge winner!" tag and placed this banner & link to your minimix on the roundup and original challenge announcement posts, as well.
Honorable Mention:
The votes were *quite* spread out this time, probably due to the enormous number of entries we had, but another minimix was only *one vote* behind our challenge winner. That was
You're Pretty Good Looking (For a Girl) by
mywholecry. You don't get a banner, but I'm sticking the "challenge winner!" tag on your post, anyway. Congrats!
When I first made the banner graphic for this challenge, I whipped up a participation banner for everyone. This will be the LAST participation banner I make, because is anybody actually going to use them?? If you object to this, and really want us mods to keep making participation banners, speak up; if there are enough requests we'll keep doing them.
Please don't hotlink this, thanks!
The 3rd party poll maker I used wasn't really all that great. We're going to have to find a better poll, or figure out how to get around LJ poll's item limitations. Because of wonkiness, I had to delete the link to the poll on the roundup/voting post. If you want to see the detailed results, you can see
this screenshot of the results window as of Noon today.
The next challenge will be announced this evening. While you're here on the comm, don't forget to go vote for the winners of the Back to School Challenge, or think about making an entry for the Hidden Things Challenge!