I've been tagged by
sixxynutter Presenting.... many Memes
Put your playlist on random, post the titles of 5 songs and add "in my pants" after each song title. Copy and paste this in your LJ and tag 5 more people.
Put your playlist on random, post the titles of 5 songs and add "in my pants" after each song title. Copy and paste this in your LJ and tag 5 more people.
1. Mamma Mia - in my pants
2. Tequilla - in my pants (now that's just a waste)
3. Is it so strange - in my pants
4. Strong enough to bend - in my pants (LOL - who says country songs are bad ... )
5. Beautiful noise - in my pants
(I will never be able to listen to Neil Diamond with the same point of view again)
Now I tag
siriusmoonlite andrea__88 cg_wolf hpca ariadneelda