Yahoo Japan Auctions

Jan 01, 2010 16:35

Have you ever wanted to purchase anything off Yahoo JP Auctions???
Here are some simple rules to follow and I will be able to assist you to bid for anything off Yahoo JP Auctions. ^O^

Terms & Conditions
1. Please ensure that all the auctions time ends before 23:00 (Japan Time).
2. All payment will be made via PAYPAL.
3. Please quote me your HIGHEST BID AMOUNT and send the payment to my PAYPAL IMMEDIATELY.
4. Please send the payment to my PAYPAL as PERSONAL PAYMENT.
5. Kindly note that if I fail to bid the item, there would be a SERVICE CHARGE of 100Yen per item.
6. POS LAJU is not included. POS LAJU to be paid via Inter Bank Transfer in RM.
7. Please refer to the below CALCULATION METHOD for the final price to be paid.

CALCULATION METHOD(Using your highest bid amount) :
6500Yen + 210Yen* + 500Yen** + 500Yen*** + 500Yen**** = 8210Yen

* Bank Transfer Fee between banks in Japan.
** Domestic Shipping Cost [Varies differently. Mine is just an example] Normally it is stated on the auction site.
*** Japan Agent Service Charge
**** International Shipping Cost from Japan to me. [Varies according to weight of item]

Please note that you are required to top up for the POS LAJU fees in RM via Bank Transfer.

If you have any doubts, kindly email me at


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