First Date (Mustang x Hughes) 55Themes #6- Restaurant #27- Adrenalin- Chapter 6

Jul 24, 2007 15:24

Sorry about the mass posting, but I just figured out that I have been posting these, but not to the community that they were supposed to go! Sorry! My bad! :) (But I am caught up now!)

Author: SeaweedOtter
Title: First Date (New Beginnings- Chapter 6)
Theme & #: #6- Restaurant and #27- Adrenalin
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None, just a Roy/Maes academy fic!
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing: Roy Mustang x Maes Hughes (finally getting to the pairing!)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: There is little more nerve racking than a first date.

Author's note: The 55 fics are a story arc, starting at the academy. Also, #1 and #2 before aren't a part of the story, they were written before.

Read all of the stories HERE!!

Both of the young men couldn't have been happier when the semester finally ended.
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