The Defenseless
deviatesellenTitle: The Defenseless
Theme and Number: #24- Pets
Genres: Romance/Humor
Warnings/Disclaimers: Shounen-ai. I do not own Final Fantasy 7 and am not making a profit off this. :P
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Pairing: Reno of the Turks x Cloud Strife
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Cloud can’t resist saving the defenseless and Reno hates fluffy kittens.
Reno hates the damn cat.
He glares at the offender, a smug little monster that he can just imagine reaching over and grabbing the orange monstrosity by the neck and throwing it off the bed. He smiles at the hard thump it would make when it reached the floor. Let it never be said that Reno of the Turks isn’t ruthless to all things, even rescued kittens that blonde lovers bring home and cry murder at if ANY part of their tiny selves are harmed.
“It’s not gonna be staying.” He had said.
“Yes, it is.” Cloud had replied, while the thing rubbed its head across his knuckles.
“It’s MY house, too.”
Let is also never be said that Cloud and he didn’t talk things over like adults when making joint decisions about important things. Like pets.
He imagines that yelp/hiss sound the little beast would make when hitting the carpet.
He hopes that it wouldn’t land on his feet.
Reno can’t, because the sound would wake Cloud and he would look blearily around before seeing the whining, horrible kitten and the guilty Turk. And he would end up on HIS couch.
But the feline is lying between them, staring triumphantly at the redhead, little slit pupils looking very pleased with itself for lying between him and Cloud.
Reno likes to stay close to the blonde at night, watch him for hours. The black sheets make him look so pale and fragile, veins visible on the surface that he can imagine being ruthlessly invaded by black specks of the General’s ‘mother’. He feels protective at night, when Cloud lies still on his side. His eyelids flutter sometimes, just allowing Reno a glimpse of shining mako-intensifies blue before snapping shut and still again. Sometimes, he’ll stay awake into the early morning, just to be able to trace long fingers (clenched tightly around a buzz baton on a rooftop just the wind in his hair) along white skin as the colors of the sky flow across Cloud’s face from the window. At these times, he thinks of Cloud as defenseless as the tiny mewing thing he had rescued in an alley.
He glares at the cat. A “fuck you”, thump, a yowl, and Cloud wakes.
Reno has to sleep on the couch the rest of the night.