Nov 08, 2005 19:07
Probably noone of you knows that I work at a callcenter. This is described as the new hell.
It's also a little known fact that I moved to the Emerald Isle. The people that look more miserable than me work behind a cash register.
This is all I have going for me now. DVD's are often crap and expansive. The movie of Family guy is wearing out. I bought several books. And we drink every week.
Why? Because we need to forget the horrors of work. I spend an hour and 40 minutes to make someone create a new mail account. It still didn't work. I had to advice a update.
Will it solve the problem, probably not.
Will it give me rest, yes.
So in the end my problem is solved.
When in a long call explaining the same things for the 5th flaming time you get annoyed. And you start walking around just to put your anger somewhere. Now I know how a caged animal feels.
I'm done now and it's time to cry in a corner.