Mar 28, 2007 21:39
I learned today that my 'shipped' stuff (collected 16 February) has an ETA of 17 April. I use the air quotes ('inverted commas', in code-switching mode) because the hasn't even sailed. How awesome is that news? [Hint: not awesome at all. I'm tired of the 10 or 15 ties I brought with me, for one thing. Also, I need pots and pans.]
That said, it's now over a month since I moved. In fact, that milestone passed over the weekend, and I barely noticed. Life is good, I'd say. There are routines developing, and my gym here has a pool.
Plus, it's London. Duh.
On a related note, the Times is running a '36 Hours In' feature on Orlando this weekend. When people ask me where I'm from in future, perhaps I'll answer: 'well, I was born and raised in what The New York Times calls "the most misunderstood city in America"'.