Jan 30, 2009 09:58
This week I've been doing the morning web work. It's a job I'm responsible for every other week when I'm not directing. It involves trimming videos from our morning newscast and posting them on the web-site. It also involves sending a weather forecast and a news update to cell phone subscribers who sign up for our service. Well I am human and so the other day don'cha know I made a mistake. On Wednesday I sent out the news update and the weather forecast to cell phones on the with the wrong day of the week in the title, OOPPPS! So I may have had a few people who thought it was Tuesday when it was actually Wednesday. There also could have been a few people who figured out it was an error and thought that some anonymous person working over at the tee vee station is an idiot. That would be me ha ha ha! But I don't think anyone called to complain so I can't really know if my mistake affected someones morning negatively.
Next week I'm directing again, but I'll help with a little web work too. I like the web work now that I understand what I'm doing. After I did it a lot it started to sink in...
In other news, we will begin creating info-mercials here in our studio soon and I'll be helping, fun! They are a half hour each and are weekly, I think. That should make Wednesdays interesting and I'm looking forward to that in-house production. I don't know much more about the info-mercials, but in my opinion we don't do enough of our own productions outside of news. Sounds like a fun challenge.