Title: strange as a dreamer's mad imaginings
Series: star wars
Theme no.: 18
Character(s)/Pairing: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Rating: G
Notes (if any): Not explicit, but dark. The past affects Anakin more than he cares to admit.
He is twenty one years old and strikingly insane, an anomaly well-tamed.
Obi-Wan stands beaming, proud and respectful in his Council robes, and christens him the youngest General in the Galactic Army of the Republic.
He accepts,
and acts accordingly, the windowed walls of the chamber closing in on him, heavy as stones on a press.
“Rise, General.”
And then, he snaps. Unfettered by sanity and the solemnity of moment, he rises. And laughs. And laughs. And laughs.
“What’s so funny?” His Master asks him, looking at him as though he were mad. And he is mad, always has been, and they both know that, but still try to pretend otherwise.
“I was born a slave!” He whispers, still laughing from the shock, drunk on the irony. And Obi-Wan -- sane, rational Obi-Wan -- doesn’t know how to respond.
He never has.