Two updates:
Title: Burn Away the Miles
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Theme no.: 5. entire orb of the satellite
Pairing: Ed/Winry
Rating: K+
Summary: Ed is realistic about his relationship with Winry.
Notes: Manga-verse only in that it mentions manga only characters. Can be read as either pre- or post- series.
They're not one of those couples... Title: Hell to Pay
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Theme no.: 50. Willingly exhibit unto them due honour
Pairing: Ed/Winry
Rating: K+
Summary: Most men only have to deal with one set of in-laws. Ed has all of Winry’s customers.
Notes: Again, manga-verse for interactions with manga-only characters. Can be interpreted as pre- or post- series.
Her customers didn’t like him...