Title: Breakdown V
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Theme no.: 45 (Misery with tenderness)
Character(s)/Pairing: Kaiba Seto/Mazaki Anzu (implied)
Rating: PG-13 (for implied drug abuse)
Notes (if any): A possible (not so happy) future to
Foster Care. Previous parts may be found
She’s at his office before he is, pouring his coffee and neatening his desk. )
Comments 3
This empty space reveals no trace of the interaction that belies a healthy community. Actually, I think we're very healthy; it's just that this (like other fanfiction LJ communities) leads to personal friending of its members. And the personal friending of its members leads to a certain...laziness...if you will. It’s so much easier to post fiction on one's personal journal (I'm very guilty of that) than to crosspost it elsewhere ( ... )
I shall sum up: thank you for your frank words about your response to the piece. I admit, writing heterosexual fiction is not really a specialty of mine. I also don’t read much of it, and so I’m always interested in how BL conventions are perceived when transferred to heterosexual fiction. ^_^
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