Dec 16, 2004 23:50
Yep. People suck.
I deal with stupid customers, stupider management and often stupider coworkers all day long. Then I come home, and deal with my family, and then, for some strange reason that's beyond me, I feel like I want to chat with people, or jump in on a message board. So I go browsing for a chat room or message board to join.
Well, people suck there too.
Chat rooms are filled with vacuous teenagers and sex-crazed old men. Maybe I get my expectations too high, because I remember a time when there were chat rooms on people's personal webpages, not just giant chat hubs, and there were actually worthwile, reasonably on topic chat rooms to be found. I used to frequent several of them, before they were killed when it was realized that hey, we should be charging people MONEY to have a chat room on their page! And make it really, really complicated!
That was years ago now, of course.
And message boards, newsgroups, etc, are the homes of flamewars, intolerance, spam and trolls. Gee, just what I want to get into. I feel fairly certain I would not be welcomed at any of the boards etc. that I look at. I am ALWAYS the odd one out no matter where it is, and these things are just full of cliques anyway, so unless you have 'connections', why even bother?
So I'm in a sick, sick pattern of needing to talk to people, looking around, reading message boards and getting upset by what's there, realizing I wouldn't be welcome, and then going back and reading MORE message boards to come to the same conclusion, and just getting more and more miserable.
And in a possibly related (via stress) note, I have a horrible pain in my shoulder, because one of my muscles has seized up. It happened after I had a bad migraine on monday - it was so bad, I called out sick for only the second time ever at this job. I napped when I'd finally gotten some Advil in me for the head pain, and when I woke up, my headache wasn't so bad, but my shoulder hurt like hell. And it's affecting the rest of my right arm, too, making my whole arm twinge and feel shaky/weak. And I have to lift stuff at work like this. I guess I'll give it till monday and then call the doctor if I have to - although I haven't got a clue what they'd do for me, even AFTER I found a doctor on my health plan. They'd just tell me to go home and put either ice or heat on it. I've had heat on it since monday which temporarily helps, but not enough. So I have no idea what else they'd do for me. Tell me to take more Advil, I suspect.
Oh well. I guess I'll just have to suffer it out. I hate doctors anyway.
health problems,