
Oct 01, 2006 00:07

I put tons of work into my garage sale, and it was a DISASTER. No one showed up. I don't know if it's because it was cold, or because other stuff was going on today or what, but I had hardly any people. I mean, I literally went an HOUR at one point without having a single person. I haven't counted the money yet, because I'm not sure I want to know. It's going to be a piddly little amount, and that's just depressing after all I put into it, and all the time I spent freezing my ass of in the garage this morning.

So for tonight and tomorrow, I'm trying to only do things that feel good. Cause seriously, I need to chill for a bit. This afternoon when everything was all packed away, I took a nice hot bath and then napped. For oh... 4 hours. It was nice. Now I'm up, and I don't know when I'm going to bed tonight, but it will be WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT. Ha!

I'm starting to grow a beard, I think. The hairs on my chin are DEFINITELY darker. They aren't coarse yet, like a real beard, but I'm really starting to notice them. I'm starting to get paranoid that people I'm not out to are going to notice. But you know, that's kinda dumb since I'm going to be out to everyone, soon. So I should just not worry about it and start shaving when it's noticable from more than you know, a really close distance. At this point, you'd either need really good eyes, or you'd need to be way closer than anyone is reasonably permitted to be.

I think I had some serious musings on gender and stuff, but you know, I've totally forgotten now. I suppose if I remember, I'll just make another post. I'm sure they were deep. Or something. Oh well.

transition, mood

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