Sep 20, 2005 01:13
I'm reading this series by Tamora Pierce called Protector of the Small. Highly recommend it. Not quite as good as her Immortals series, which is my all time fave. I think I probably like Wild Magic (the first book of the Immortals) more than Harry Potter, but it's close. (I know... *gasp!* It's really, REALLY close with Azkaban, though, cause I adore Lupin.) It's making me want to get my hands on the Lioness Quartet again. Thing is, we don't seem to be carrying the first book, Alanna, anymore. It's not modelled (with modelled stuff, the buyers automatically send it to us without us ordering it specially), and we have 0, with 0 on order. Why oh why? I am baffled as to why this might be, when we carry all her other books.
It's just been so many years since I read the Alanna books. I remember I loved the first one, cause the whole thing is that Alanna wants to be a knight, so she pretends to be a boy so she can become one. Thing is though, I didn't like how she ended up still being a girl in the end, I guess. I don't think I could have explained that at the time. I also didn't like how the last book is one of those "everyone dies" kinda things. I mean, I like my endings happy and relatively untainted, thanks. Real life is bad enough. It's probably not that bad by my standards of today, but back then it was pretty awful.
I didn't like the fourth book of the Immortals quartet either. I thought Numair and Daine hooking up was icky. I mean, there's a major age difference there. He's almost twice her age!
I'm thinking of re-reading that one, though (I boycotted it after one readthrough), because on second thought, there's a hell of an age difference between the Phantom and Christine, too (even in the movie, which has a significantly smaller age gap than say, the book), and I wanted them to end up together. *sigh* I'm such a hypocrite. I guess I just liked the very vague sexual tension in the first three Immortals books. It's like Mulder and Scully kissing, for gods sake. Jump the shark. That and they're just not very sexual characters and then all of a sudden it's like... LOVE! ... Not cool. Still... I'll give it another chance. Even though I remember the storyline otherwise being weak. We'll see. I have to find it first anyway, and I still want to finish Protector of the Small. (And speaking of sexual characters, man there is more almost-sex-between-teenagers in those books than I've read in a long time.)
Today was the first day of dance this year. I'm going to be sore tomorrow, I just know it. I'll have a bit of a soak in the bath tonight to hopefully loosen the muscles up a bit so they're not so awful tomorrow. I noticed last winter that if I took a nice warm bath on Monday night, Tuesday wasn't quite so bad.
Wow, I just realized... I didn't do my usual pre-emptive Advil dose before dance tonight. Despite that, I'm no worse off now that I usually am. I'm hardly taking the stuff at all anymore, now that my wisdom teeth are all settled. Just when I get bad pain. (Headache or muscle strains, stuff like that. If it's not bad, I stick it out. When it gets too bad to do stuff, I take it.) I hadn't realized I think, quite how much pain I was in all the time. I mean, I knew I hurt, but it was a way of life. I still hurt everyday, I mean, I have muscle pain almost every day. But my head doesn't throb constantly, and my jaw seizes up fewer nights, and I don't have giant infected/impacted things going on, so that's pretty cool. Some of my pain these days would be avoidable, if I just wouldn't bind anymore - my ribs get real sore and I get a pain in my back in this one particular spot... but I'm just going to have to stick it out.
Anyway... time for a bath...
health problems,
tamora pierce,