Oct 16, 2007 21:25
Yep, we made it all the way to Roswell. We came in about 6:30 local time. There's a bigger town here than I remember, honestly. Which isn't to say that it's a buzzing metropolis, but there's more stuff than I remember. We drove around a little bit, so we know where the UFO museum and gift shop stuff is downtown. We'll hit those tomorrow. We'll probably spend tomorrow night here, too, because I honestly don't know that we'd hit civilization between here and Tucson at a reasonable stopping hour if we leave in the evening. We'll just visit the museum and this "spacewalk" thing and gift shop and chill, I think. At least, that's what I'm pushing for.
It was a hell of a lot of driving today. From Oklahoma through the panhandle of Texas to New Mexico. My mate drove for a solid 3 hours today, starting with the first leg, and then we switched off in Amarillo (yes, I ... *shudder* stopped in Texas. IT WAS A LITTLE STOP!), and I drove the rest of the way.
I was so tired last night that I failed to note some things about Oklahoma City.
For one, you know how at the end of Charlotte's Web, all the baby spiders take to the skies on little strands of web? It was TOTALLY THAT SEASON OMG. Spider webs FUCKING EVERYWHERE. So glad we didn't stop in spiderweb territory. (We drove a good hour or two out before stopping for the night.) I just... failed to mention my noticing of the spiderage to my mate. There was really no need for us both to be upset, and I'm the one with the superior... spider senses, if you will. The radar for the bloody things. It was mostly just webs... the few actual spiders I did see were itty bitty, of the kind I could actually squish barehanded without too much upset.
The other is... dude, is it hoofed mammal mating season? Seriously? I mean, for African mammals? Cause we saw giraffes mating yesterday. After we'd seen gazelles at it the day before. WTF. The giraffes got a bit um... farther, though. (We didn't see the final deed, as it were, but there was... giraffe penis.) Are we just that "lucky", or is this that time of year? I know so little about the hoofed critters that I actually haven't got a bloody clue.
So not much to tell yet, because we just rolled into town after a day of nothing but driving, but we did stop at Walmart (which has a souvenir center that we will probably revisit tomorrow for all our "I was in Roswell" needs), and I now have.. drumroll please...
A card reader. Mwaha! Pictures!
So I'm off to start uploading those now so I can show you all at least part of the trip so far.
cross country trip