Goddamn it.
If you're keeping track, this is about the billionth bimonthly post on how I fail at injecting. (Although okay, I've only done it um... four times, it feels like a billion.)
I should make a tag for "injection failure".
I'll preface this by saying I'm okay, and I'm not in as much pain as I was last time. However, if reading about blood is gonna bother you, skip the rest of this right now.
I just scared the shit out of myself last night. It went okay at first. I didn't go as deep. There was some muscle twitching, but it seemed okay. Then I pulled the needle out and OMGBLOOD. Blood everywhere. In the end, it was probably about a tablespoon worth, but it might as well have been pints. I'm sitting there on my bed, and my first thought after "HOLY SHIT" was "uh oh... I'm here... tissues are there... blood everywhere... light colored sheets... oh god. How am I going to contain the mess?" Yes folks, I was freaking out that I was going to bleed to death on my bed, but lord help me if I stained the sheets. I ended up cupping a hand over the blood, grabbing a tissue, and then trying to clean up the mess. I got blood all over both my hands, it was charming.
It stopped very quickly. I think I know what the problem was. I didn't release my pinch-hold before I pulled the needle out, so it mighta kept the wound more open or something, and I probably just nicked a vessel on the way in. At the time though, I'm sitting there, shaking like a leaf, pressing a tissue to my leg like I just got gouged with an axe, afraid to see if it had stopped.
I just fail at following the directions for this whole injecting lark.
So I kind of panicked a little that when I pulled the needle out, not only was there blood everywhere, but there was blood IN THE NEEDLE, which I was told was a Bad Thing, although they never explained to me why. Cue a few moments of "oh god oh god, what happens if I injected into my bloodstream? There wasn't blood when I tested! It had to have come in after, right? What if I moved after I checked for blood? Oh god, I'm gonna die! Do I feel weird? Any feelings of impending death?"
I very quickly decided this was a situation in which I needed to talk to someone. There I am, at 2am eastern, blood all over my hands, groping for my cell phone, shaking like crazy and probably hyperventilating. I was oh so very close to passing out at one point. Scroll through contact list... eliminate anyone on the east coast... anyone not a friend per se... anyone who would freak out at blood... I ended up calling
scifichicx, as was the rest of the universe, apparently. Talked for a few minutes, managed to calm down a little, although I think my body was still in a wee bit of shock - I was shaking very badly, was dizzy, and I was freezing. I then decided that despite the fact that it was very late and I had to get up rather early, I would stay up a little while to make sure nothing was going horribly wrong. So I did. Eventually I decided if I was gonna die from it, I'd be feeling something more than that by now, and tried to go to sleep. Epic fail. I think I got about two hours sleep all told, almost all of it awakened from drenched in cold sweat. I very nearly called out of work today, but for some reason, managed to drag myself out there. I literally napped on my break. I went out to my car, set my cell phone alarm, and napped. I couldn't even focus my eyes before that, but I perked up a little after a nap and a quick chug of a Mountain Dew.
Came home, and crashed the fuck out.
Current status of my leg: sore, but not godawful like last time, visible bruise for the first time ever.
Additional note, I got 100 dollars in the mail from my aunt today, to help with moving. I am really, unbelievably touched by this, and may actually be moved to send a thank you letter. Thank you notes are merely another part of human society I fail to understand. I don't expect them when I send gifts... I don't not send them out of malice or ingratitude, I just forget, cos I don't get it. Like holding doors for people. I don't get that either. But the fact that out of ALL OF MY FAMILY, INCLUDING MY PARENTS, she is the only one to make a monetary contribution to the move... I'm really, really touched.