Title:Broken Hearted
Pairing:Akiya x Izumi
Disclaimer:If I owned them I'd build a little shrine outside of my house and have them locked up in it until they did what I wanted them to do ^^;
Comments:From Aki's POV, breaking up takes it's toll. short and to the point I really should be working on my next fic for unaware...
I don't know how long it's been. How long has it been? A week, if that? Even though Nao trying to lure me out to the arcade with him did'nt get me out of the house. I knew it was a plan for me to 'run' into you accidentally. That's all anyone contacts me for. As if they were trying to put the blame on me for us breaking up. Isshi tried calling so I could atleast go to practice. But practice would mean going to see you. I don't think I could handle that. It's not until I breakdown and shout at him over the phone that he sorry for bothering me and that he'll cancel practice. I go to my bedroom and cry myself to sleep and wait for the next agonizing day to come.
I wake up in the morning and look like shit. I call Isshi to let him know that I'll be making it to practice. After arriving I ignore you as much as literally possible. Never turning around to you once. When it's over, I run all the way back to my apaato. After a while of calming down, I sit near my window looking outside at the night sky.I’m home alone again And you’re out, hanging with friends. When I called you didn’t answer,Now I’m feeling like you’re ignoring me. I wish that you were home.Holding me,tight in your arms And I wish, I could go back to the day before we met.I wish I wasn’t in love with you,So you couldn’t hurt me.I wish I wasn’t in love with you,So I wouldn’t feel this way.I believed in you thats why I’m so mad
I hear you knocking at my door.I’m wondering should I let you in.I open up the door and see the flowers for me so beautiful in your hands.You start begging me to take you back.I’ve always been a sucker for romance.Before you know it I can see, you’re all over me. Here I go again.