Player Name: Suza
Age: 20
Timezone: EST
Personal Journal:
suzaku_tensaiContact Information:
Instant Messenger: AIM: suzaku tensai
Email: suzaku_tensai@yahoo.com
Name: Alfred F. Jones (aka America / USA)
Age: Looks to be in late teens or early twenties, but is actually a few hundred years old.
Gender: Male
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Timeline: Present day
History: For the character:
here; For the country:
Character Personality: The United States of America: a country known for its unwavering confidence, positive attitude, and “Yes We Can!” gusto. As an embodiment of such a country, Alfred F. Jones is no different. As the kind of “person” who believes that anyone can reach their happy ending if they just try hard enough, Alfred fancies himself to be a Heroic and Courageous individual who is able to guide everyone along on their path to true happiness. After all! That’s what a Hero’s supposed to do, isn’t it?
And the whole Heroic thing is true to some extent, too. Al has helped a lot of people throughout the years and is always willing to help more. His energetic nature often brightens up a gloomy atmosphere and he never lets personal woes (outwardly) get him down. Sure, he'll pout, whine and complain, but a Hero never lets sorrow get in the way of doing what needs to be done when a situation is serious. When a situation does get serious, you'd be lucky to have Alfred on your side.
Unfortunately, along with the many strong positive point about his character, comes an equal (if not greater) set of negative ones. Alfred is childish, loud, and stubborn when it comes to getting his own way. As has been mentioned earlier, Al thinks of himself as the Hero. In other words, he wants to be the one to call the shots and doesn’t like it when others try to tell him what to do. In spite of his childish nature, he also doesn’t like it very much when others try to treat him like a kid. Nope! Alfred sees himself as a mature adult, with all of the freedoms and liberties that come along with it. If anyone so much as even attempts to take away the freedoms and rights that he believes to be inalienable from him or anyone else, they’ll find themselves a new enemy in Mr. Jones. He’s the nosy type of person who likes to make other people’s business his own, so don’t think he’ll hesitate about it either. And that is the final word of warning about the Heroic nation that can’t seem to read the atmosphere around him (or perhaps is able to but chooses not to, sometimes).
Character Abilities: Even by the standards of other nations, America has always been incredibly strong and energetic. Along with this strength, his status as a “nation” grants him an inhumanly long lifespan and causes him to act as a representation of a large body of people and the land on which they reside and with which he shares the same name: the United States of America. He’s also pretty handy with computers and loves to invent useless gadgets. He’s quite the animal person as well, having been able to make friends with whales, dogs, woodland creatures, oxen, and even an alien named Tony over the years. (…You could say that his ability to eat just about anything, even England(Arthur)’s cooking, is an ability as well.)
Character Weaknesses: Alfred can be overconfident, arrogant, stubborn and rude. It’s a dangerous combination when out on the battlefield, sometimes, even though he claims to have never really lost a war. It’s because of these negative personality treats that he has a pretty hard time making true friends (although lately, with the help of his new boss, he’s been getting better about playing nice with others).
Nevertheless, because he can be a very difficult person get along with, it will be difficult for him to find a partner that he can sync with and even then, the connection between the two of them is likely to weaver on occasion.
Alfred also has a strong fear of ghosts which will make it difficult to consume the scary, ghost-like-looking souls that he must eat in order to become a Death Scythe.
Why your character should be a Weapon: In Alfred’s own opinion, he shouldn’t be a Weapon. Not being in control and able to call the shots really bothers him. However, the truth of the matter is that America is a country that will forever be for the people, by the people. At the end of the day, Alfred is proud that he is a tool through which Americans of all genders, races, ethnicities, beliefs and ages can reach their dreams.
What is your character's Weapon form?: Like the last Alfred, this one finds himself in the form of a revolver. Although the make isn’t clear, it looks similar to a
S&W 625. Even so, Alfred refuses to call it by that name! No! A unique type of gun, such as himself, deserves a unique type of name! A Heroic name! A somewhat ridiculous name!
The RWB-3shot: A gun with three modes, or more specifically, a gun that has three different types of energy “bullets.” You better learn them all by heart, because Alfred will most likely refuse to work for any Meister who doesn’t call out the chosen bullet’s name before firing, no matter how dire the situation. It’s the principle of the thing!
- First bullet (R): red energy, aka Life bullets - basic energy bullets used for a physical attack (Al has a lot of this type)
- Second bullet (W): white energy, aka Liberty bullets - restricts movement by causing temporary paralysis to the area of the body that is hit (10 bullets with a two hour average recharge waiting period)
- Third bullet (B): Blue energy, aka Pursuit of Happiness bullets - buildup for this attack would suggest a very large and widespread explosion due to the loud sounds and bright flash of blue light that is emitted during release. However, Pursuit of Happiness is not a physical attack, passing right through one’s body (and any other objects) in order to hit the soul. A very powerful attack which leaves the Meister drained after one use. The stronger the Meister, the stronger the attack, but no matter who uses it, attempting to create a second shot is an extreme risk to the Meister’s health (1 bullet with a four to seven hour average recharge waiting period) This is Alfred's Soul Resonance ability.
Unlike the average revolver, the RWB-3shot's cylinder only has three cartridge chambers, instead of six. Moving to the next chamber must be done manually in order to switch between the three different bullet types.
Soul Description: Heroic, exuberant, positive, childish, brash, stubborn
Soul Appearance:
something like this~ [ SAMPLES ]
First Person:
Okay! Everyone! Listen up! I’m back! Now, I’m sure you were all worried about me, and are curious about what Parlous Trials I was forced to overcome while away, but I’m afraid I have some really bad news: The movie that I’m making to document the epic story has been put on hold. I know, I know. It sucks, right? I was kinda under the impression that Keanu Reeves had been brought here along with the rest of us, but apparently he hasn’t and he’s needed for the role of the blow-up shark doll man that appears in scene 532.
…You can all hang in there for a bit longer, right?
Third Person:
Alfred looked around the long stretch of dry, reddish ground. Geez! This place really did feel dead. But, ah, Navada. You gotta love Navada. Just standing on the endless stretch of nothing pumped the former cowboy’s blood up to double time. The original plan had been to ditch the soul school place and go off and fight the… whatever-ya-call-em’s on his own. He was a Hero, after all. Why on earth would he ever need training to become a Hero when he already was one, right? But somewhere along the way, a conversation he’d had with his new boss managed to bring itself up to the top of his mind.
“Alfred,” the man had said, aiming up his next shot with the hoop, “you have to learn how to play nice with others.” He shoots, he scores. The ball goes in.
For a moment there, Alfred kinda wished that he had Bush back. You know, so he could go back to occasionally winning against his boss at sports. Golf was one thing, but losing to a president at basketball every time was friggen ridiculous. “Kik- er… Japan likes me! We get along! And England too! Aren’t you being a little bit picky?” Al asked with a pout. He caught the ball as it was passed to him.
“Alfred. Just try for me, okay? You can do it, if you try. I know you can.”
…Al would head back. Darn it. “Okay, Barack. You win again.”
[ NOTES ] Since SC is a com based RP, I'm double using this journal~ (why buy two paid accounts, if you only need one, right?).