Title: On Red Herrings and Paper Tigers
Fandom:Alice in Wonderland, general book series
Author: karrenia_rune
Companion piece to "From Point A to Point C" AU, Steampunk
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1,252
Prompt:#47 stars
Disclaimer: Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are original creations of Lewis Carroll or whomever owns his estate now; they are not mine.
"On Red Herrings and Paper Tigers" by karrenia
Where did all the speaking creatures go? That particular question vexed the Mad Hatter in search for answers in this brave new world. He had approached the Queen of Hearts in this regard and her Majesty was as ever, vague in her own behalf. She had muttered something vague about progress and industry and the futility of chasing after red herrings and paper tigers, and put him off, and put him off until he stopped pestering her.
Her husband and equally royal personage, the King of Hearts, had been a bit more forthcoming, probing at him in the form of many a glass of wine, at last mumbling something about a menagerie.
Not to be balked in his endeavor the Mad Hatter was determined to see the matter through to its logical conclusion. ‘
He had last seen the March Hare at the factory where he had discovered marvel of marvels, the Perpetual Motion Machine, and while staring into its swirling depths had made him quite dizzy, he figured he best make further inquiries.
He had often heard that neer-do-wells frequently returned to the scene of the crime, so by that logic the Mad Hatter ventured back to the warehouse. It was as much as he recalled a humming, steaming, teeming hive of activity; much of the details obscured by the billowing clouds of steam. This time he had wrapped the tail ends of his ascot tie up around his mouth which breathing the smoky air much easier.
He was met half-way by the White Knight who were aviator goggles over his eyes, but who had pulled them to lie against his chest. “I had wondered if I’d see you again, did you enjoy your flight in the air-ship?”
“I did, to be honest, I did not expect to see you here. I was looking for the White Rabbit.”
“So am I,” the other replied. “He’s been here since I don’t know when, wait, he’s been here since they launched the Perpetual Motion Machine, and while it’s entirely possible to get lost around here, I haven’t heard from him in weeks.”
The White Knight paused and tugged at the cords of his goggles and idly glanced around as if afraid of pricking ears or of picking curious eye tracks, then he began to snuffle. “I realize that you are investigating this fascinating device at the behest of her August Majesty, and in that capacity, I suppose everyone is a suspect and I shouldn’t even be telling you this…” he trailed off and heaved a sigh.
“Telling me what exactly?” asked the Mad Hatter.
“I miss the old days, I miss when times were simpler. You might say that I’m just an old fuddy-duddy who won’t bring himself to embrace progress; but the White Rabbit’s disappearance has shaken me badly. Pardon me, while I sniffle.”
Much taken aback by both the reaction and the sudden out-pouring of halt salty tears shed by the White Knight, at first the Mad Hatter did not know how to respond.
“There, there, old chap, steady there,” the Mad Hatter said soothingly as he patted the White Knight on the back. “It’ll be all right.”
“Disgraceful, the way I’m carrying on. I know that you were once close friends, but have you heard from him lately?” the other asked.
“No, not lately. In point of fact, since he said he would be out of communication for some time and would not be attending our tea parties, I thought nothing more of it.”
“Until now.” The White Knight paused and leaned forward, laying a finger to his lips, “Just between you and me, he isn’t the only, I have it on good report that neither the Mock Turtle nor the Gryphon have been seen lately, but I recommend checking in with the Caterpillar, or even the Cheshire Cat.”
Then he titled his head to one side as if thinking something through, then added. “That last might prove the most difficult, but you know what they nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
“Indeed. Might have another look at the machine.”
“I don’t see why not.”
The machine was much as he remembered it, but there were subtle differences, for one thing the swirling kaldiscope geometric shapes had gained a much more cohesive appearance, one that did not make the Mad Hatter as nauseous as the first time he had seen them. And the clarity of the surrounding murk had been much improved. He also noted that a control console and a set of dials had been added to the base of the mounted mirror. “I could wish for the White Rabbit to make a reappearance, if for nothing else than to explain how these controls work.”
“I have been trying to ascertain that fact myself,” the White Knight replied, ‘but I have restrained myself from making a haphazard pushing and pulling of levers for fear of blowing either myself, the warehouse, the machine, or all of the above to smithereens.”
“A wise precaution.” The Mad Hatter replied.
“I am grateful that you did not mention my propensity for doing so,”
“Well, umph, yes, you’re welcome.”
Just at the moment the shapes swirled and there was a solidifying and the vaguest image of a face could be discerned in the center of the mirror. It was vague and the features of nose, eye, mouth, and chin were vague and ill-defined however there was little doubt that it was a face.
“Hello! Hello! Is anyone out there? No matter, if anyone is listening to this, be apprise that this world of our, believed to only exist in one dimension is actual two, that are capable of perceiving. The one on your side of the mirror represents progress and industry and revolution, but at a certain price. This other one, while seemingly chaotic and well, fanciful, lies just on the other side of the mirror.”
“Is that the White Rabbit? And if so, what kind of message is he trying to tell us?” the Mad Hatter asked of no one in particular.
“Is he telling us the mirror is some kind of portal?”
“If it is, does that mean that he crossed over of voluntarily? Is it too much for me to take in right now?” The Mad Hatter stated and wiped the sweat from his brow. “I must sit down and think about it.”
On the other side of the mirror the White Rabbit turned to the Gryphon and sighed. “I do hope someone was monitoring the Perpetual Motion Machine, but it took a tremendous amount of energy to get even that much of a message across the ether. “Time, was of the essence, and all that. But I’ve never very good at being punctual so I could not be certain.”
“I should certainly hope so. I don’t know about you, but this side of the mirror isn’t so bad, the rivers are cleaner, and the sky isn’t as blue and the grass is greener. However, a vague feeling that we were meant to choose one world over another keeps nagging after me, like an itch that you can never quite reach.”
“I know the feeling,” the Gryphon grufflyadded. “I can’t recall if her Majesty on the Other Side gave us a choice in the matter when we crossed over, do you? Turtle? Rabbit?”
“To be honest, I really can not remember,” replied the Mock Turtle.
“Oh, my stars and garters,” sighed the White Rabbit, I do hope someone got our message.”