Harry Potter - #10: Writer's Choice (Cigarettes) - Smoke

Mar 24, 2010 15:35

Title: Smoke (& Mirrors)
Author: raspberry_rave
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character(s): Draco Malfoy (with appearances of mean!Harry and ninja!D/G)
Prompt: #10: Writer's Choice - Cigarettes
Word Count: ~800
Rating: PG-16 (swearing~)
Summary: The warmth of the cigarette settled like an oppressive weight on his lungs but did nothing to lessen the chill he felt seeping through his bones.
Author's Note: Written for the 50scenes Challenge Community. I really need to finish that table!
Disclaimer: It's not mine; bugger off.

( If you'll follow the fake cut, we can all be finished much quicker)

raspberry_rave:hp:draco/ginny, *harry potter

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