lyric table Title: Rain-spirits
Characters: Faramir, Den/Fin, Boromir, Elboron
Prompt: 026. We are flying on wings in winter sky; with fire burning deep inside
Word Count: 348
Rating: G
Summary: Faramir thinks back to an old Dol Amrothi legend as he prepares his son to visit the sea for the first time.
Author's Notes: Not my characters.
It was raining in Dol Amroth. I had not gotten a letter from my uncle or cousins, but I could all but feel the rain in my bones. It is always raining in Dol Amroth, this time of year. The last of winter’s chill blows on the winds in Minas Tirith, and stray banks of snow cling to the cool deeps of the forests surrounding Emyn Arnen, but in Dol Amroth, the rain falls until the frost is chased away, and only the damp cool remains. There is no snow, there. Belfalas is too far south, too close to the sea for the white flakes to coat their cities and orchards. There is only the rain that plasters everything to the ground and the occasional morning frost on the coldest days surrounding Yule, which sharpens the stark outlines made by the rain.
By summer, it’s a riot of color, noise, and smell. But in those winter days, the seacoast is more conducive to serious musings than entertainment. I find it of little wonder that the people of Dol Amroth show such little fear of the ocean; in those rainy days, one feels as if one already walks under the waves.
There are legends, even, of the drowned and the shipwrecked walking the streets in the rain, during the frost-days. The mind makes odd things out of seafoam and mist, when confined indoors too long. Still, I have not visited my cousins’ home during the storm season since the War. Uncle loved to tell us of his eldest sister, who became a rain-spirit before Boromir and I were born. I never saw her, though Mother claimed she did, once. She said she looked happy. I hope she was. I hope all three of my rain-spirits are.
And you, as well, Father. You consigned yourself to the ashes, but even Mother found her way back to the sea, I still believe. The winter rains won’t put out the fire within you, but perhaps, it will make things clearer.
We leave tomorrow. I want Elboron to get to see the ocean.