Hi everyone! I need a break from work, so here is my introductory post. I'm Teri. I tried Nanowrimo a few years ago and failed miserably - I think I wrote 700 words. But after talking about it with Angela, and getting tips from Toby about how he handled the challenge, I've been inspired again. I have a vague novel idea anyway, and would like to
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The first thing I wrote was Urban Sci-Fi (very soft and mushy SF, at that)... I started reading it again and realized it was crap. Scrapped it. It still exists, stinking up my hard drive something awful. It could work, but it would need WAY more research than I'm willing to devote to it.
Then I tried the next year and only got 30K. Boo. Also have ignored it completely - it was VERY sloppy, mostly stream of consciousness writing.
Last year I wrote YA soft Sci-Fi (12-year olds and aliens), and it was a load of fun. I'd orignally come up with the idea, and started writing it twice, when I was 13. I've done a lot of plot re-working with this one, and am about 1/4 to 1/3 done editing it into a somewhat readable draft. I'm aiming to have it ready to submit to publishers and/or agents (not sure which, haven't done much research yet) by the end of 2006. But I'll probably be lucky if that happens. ;-)
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