Thanks to the internet (which the power elite plan to subvert by 2012) there is so much information about the unfortunately true nature of the Government of the United States for those not wearing pusillanimous, selfish, nationalistic "patriotic" blinders to consider.
And these are just youtube examples!
Daniel Ellsberg Explains Reality of US Foreign Policy to Kristol p1 Ellsberg is still deluded in his stance on U.S. domestic and industrialized nation relations to democracy. But he's figured out 3rd world policy. A good first step.
Obama 'will bring no change to US foreign policy' - 28 Aug 08 Oh, but this is Al Jazeera, an Arab paper, so let's just dismiss this source okay? Let's just dismiss everything that isn't pro U.S. government. Better to only trust the U.S. press.
Here's one more: Charley Chaplin's "Reluctant Dictator" speech. (scroll to page bottom)
Hey, any loyal red blooded Americans out there hating me yet? Maybe I need a good beating. Perhaps a concussion or two and a little brain damage to change (or eliminate) my pinko thinking? Any Patriot Act agents out there? Better report me to the State.
50cra7es huh? Get some hemlock!
Let's practice now. All together:
Sieg Heil!
Sieg Heil!
Seig Heil!
On the other hand:
"Nationalism is a social disease. It is the measles of mankind."
Albert Einstien