Jan 30, 2009 09:57
A spot on typos
My last post contains some typos. It was composed over a that day, multi-tasked between doing some ceiling sheet rock repair, home office work, organizing in the work room (A room we're using as a work shop to base the many home repairs we're making on this old house-on a beggars budget.) picking up a friend of my son's up to stay the night
(His Dad threw him out: Some parents punk out so easily when parenting gets challenging instead of employing a cool and problem solving head. And they blame the kids! The kids who they, the parents, the ones not to blame in their minds, are the ones who in their presumed really good parenting have raised and taught the basic lessons of human relations. Maybe the lessons the parent taught weren't so good after all. If somethings not right how can it be more the kid's fault?)
I've recently repaired another file cabinet, and am on a drive to get more of my old files in odd boxes into more accessible cabinets.) I'm not apologizing for my typos.
The interest in getting my files better sorted and accessible relates to my history. It's hard to remember everything and records help. I use files to keep some records beyond the usual identification, bills, property docs. I have files of plays written by the kids who attended the home day care my spouse and I had for over ten years, also some drawings and poems of theirs. I have newspaper articles, papers and such about family and friends, and some by notable figures like Martin Luther King. Usually activists. I can remember their works, and have them as resources. Then too is the record of my own activisms. Which need to be put into some cohesive form so I can better draw information from where I've been should I need to.
I pretty much stopped being an activist some years ago, except I suppose when I write. I am a socialist. Like Albert Einstein, and Helen Keller. Yes, they and many other people you've been taught to respect historically were socialists. You weren't told that in school? I wonder why? I live in a part of the U.S. that is marked by a population that is poor, poorly educated, religiously pacified, red neck, poverty romanticizing, right wing, and just doesn't have enough people interested in socialism to support any organized political activism. Not only have my efforts failed, but there are no chapters of any socialist party in the State. I won't organize under some other banner like the Democratic Party, or the Greens, either you have what is needed for this country and you call it what it is, or you don't have it. Anything less is reformism. We tried that with the New Deal and the Great Society. Reformism never lasts. The government must be changed in ways to make it more answerable to the people. So I had to realize the limits of potential where I am with such a monochromatic population palate. This blog and the random rare conversation mark the limits of effort for me these days. I figure the inequities of capitalism will continue to make the rich richer and more oppressive, and the poor poorer and more oppressed. Sure is looking that way isn't it? As times get harder people will finally wake up to sapitalisms flaws. We'll also see the growingly socialist world pull ahead of us economically and we'll start to question our precious assumptions about how right and better than everyone else we are. That will be good for us.
Now I've really let you down because here we are at politics again. I think its a product of my not having other outlets for my political interests. I wish I lived in Portland Oregon where I could join a local socialist party. It would help to get this out of my system. Maybe I need two blogs. I know that any of my friends who read here all already know my political head, poor things. So I shall start two blogs soon I promise. One for my political wisdoms... and one to find out if there's anything else to my personality.
I hope that helps.