Sep 08, 2008 22:33
Nixon's pardon was a typically illegitimate pardon of one ruling class chief by another against the will and rights of the people to see a traitor to the public trust pay for his crimes. The members of the ruling class are in the game of our oppression together. They cohere as a class in protecting each other from the serious potential consequences when their typical chicanery is publicly exposed (a rare occasion). To "protect the dignity of the office" they help each other get away with various crimes of expropriation both material and civil against the whole of the people. They choose to misrepresent the people in favor of their enrichment by way of legislating to represent the will of the small but stomach robbing rich "people" they actually serve: The great money families and powers of this Land of the Free. Not the working people that make it great.
Nixon's and other such pardons, spits and slaps in the public face and legitimate need to bring to account public servants who abuse power-over the people and cause injury to us and sometimes death. Such criminals subvert the People's Constitution and Liberties. Such criminals subvert and threaten the people's security and rights as citizens in a democratically determined nation. This like are little better than Royalists and though a term not heard much since the early years after the Revolution of 1776, it's put here in all relevance to that revolution. When such are pardoned by executive decree the pardeners are illegitimate and criminal in themselves. They deny the people the justice of seeing the most threatening, shameful, and destructive of public trust traitors held accountable for their crimes. They demonstrate the lie of "Justice for All." For all to see and at least silently understand the difference between the kind justice granted to the privilidged as unjustly different from the unkind justice heaped upon the workering majority of the people.
This interpretation assuming one is not an elitist in thinking and practice. For an elitist, these pardons serve that "greater good" up-holdable only if the "better people" keep an exclusively firm grip on the wheel of the ship of state and social direction. Elitism teaches that the bulk of humanity is so unintelligent if not morally depraved that if real democracy were to occur the Nation would collapse into chaos. So they play a game of lies and oppression disguised as truth and freedom for all. They do it because they believe they have no choice. This is a problem involving basal neurological imprinting elitist vs. democratic social ideologies via respective family and community developmental environments. It leaves people with "heartfelt and honest" convictions one way or the other.
Pardon's of many sorts oppressive to democracy would be legitimate in Elitist interpretation.
The relativity of the questions is complicated by these two mutually exclusive ideologies.
writer's block