Mar 10, 2004 19:06
hooray for hot sunny weather. i absolutely LOVE spring/summer and can't wait till it gets even MORE hot! ohhhh yea :)
don't remember monday lets skip to tuesday.
ens. we swam. oh yessss finally it wasn't raining so it wasn't cold :) i love swim, especially when we get to drive and watch everyone do belly flops. hahahaha.
lunch... mike jordan and shea were trying to throw money down my shirt. i made $1.50 but they never made it in. haha
math we had a test and i bet i failed. :(
after school. hung out with payam and ashli and thanh. sewah wrote "I <3 sewah" on my hand but some sick perves (cough payamsheajake) thought it said "i love seman" since i'm a hoe like that. haha
and it was also shawna and darci's birthday yesterday! hope you two had an awesome day!! <3
TODAY!!! ens we played some team building game were we stand on rubber numbers and throw a bean bag in a box? it was actually fun because purple team rules!! yesss haha and we all cheated but who cares. :) this "team building" game actually ended up with the whole class yelling at eachother 'cause we all cheated. hahaha it was fun.
lunch. perfect day for an ice cream :) and MIKE N IKES! oh shoot shannon or HANNON! got me addicted to those. yep... CHRITI AHLI HANNON ETILL ARAH and me hung out on our sun and tried to get a tan again.
after school tom jake shea and payam felt like playing "LETS TAKE JULIA'S SANDALS AND TICKLE HER TILL SHE FALLS TO THE GROUND" game. not fun. lol
then my mom and i went to see some model homes and i came home and watched some sad movie on lifetime... yeaaaaaa.
what a long pointless entry. i'm bored :)