we climbed up on the minaret- and occupied the town

Nov 17, 2007 20:16

awoo! It's been a while, eses!

I am at work (
) and desperately needed an excuse to not write this essay outline, so i thought I'd catch up with some of you who i dont normally get to communicate with outside of this weird blogosphere (Preston?? You out there??)

so other than cultivating what will probably be a rockin' ulcer by the end of this shitty semester, I've been alright.

Lately every time i get bummed I start thinking about how awesome it's going to be to drive to Portland/ Seattle sometime in the next few months. I'm going to rent some cameras from school, get my car serviced, buy a bag of food from Berkeley Bowl, and just go. Probably with Beck, since he's got friend in Eugene he wants to go visit. I'm going to take tons and tons of pictures, stop off in weird little shitty lumberjack towns along the way, stay with my friend Rebecca and Joe in Ashland (
) for a night or two, hit Eugene (stay with Chuck?..weird??), Portland (family? Mike?), Seattle (Lingus?), photos photos photos. For my 21st this year dad wrote me a check to pay for the gas and some lodging for the trip, so that's all taken care of.
This is my rock!
I am very stoked!

I think there must be a reason we feel these strange affiliations and experience irrational attachments to certain places. Even ones we haven't experienced for very long, or maybe even been at all. I think everyone at some point in their life has gone somewhere and experienced that feeling in the pit of their stomach that's telling you your soul is happy there.
I think thats my northwest.

This boy (
) makes me happy.

I need to not burn Napa Valley's fancy coffee beans.

I need to turn up this hardcore Mirah song.

oh I-5!
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