(no subject)

Jan 30, 2009 22:06

Sigh. I give up. I am starting over with numbering and going with the calendar year instead, as that will be easier for me to track. Also, I am going to number according to when I read the book, as opposed to when I post about it to the comm.

Remaining books from 2008:

Masumoto, David Mas - Epitaph for a Peach: Four Seasons on My Family Farm
But mostly, I love the story of the farm, of freak rainstorms that can ruin raisin crops, of cover crops and wildflowers, of peach-eating pests and fertilizer. Reading this book made me feel happy and fulfilled and at peace. Highly recommended. (more)

Butler, Octavia E. - Patternmaster and Mind of My Mind
I... have absolutely no idea what to write for these books, since many of the surprises and twists in worldbuilding were completely unsurprising to me, given that I had read Wild Seed and Clay's Ark, or I felt like there was no tension because I knew the outcome from Patternmaster. I was particularly disappointed because I read Wild Seed first, many years ago, and none of the characters in the other books come close to being as fascinating as Doro and Anyanwu. (more)

Uehashi Nahoko - Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
Balsa is a 30-year-old spearwoman who has been tasked with protecting the younger prince. He's currently the receptacle of a mystical force that may or may not be deadly to him and those around him. To safeguard him, Balsa also has to uncover the actual history of the nation, which has been obscured to glorify the nation's founder. (more)

Smith, Sherri L. - Hot, Sour, Salty, Sweet
Still, non-white biracial kid! I suspect the book skews young for most people on my flist, but it was still nice to read, and it's something I'd like to give to girls of color to read. (more)

Smith, Cynthia Leitich - Tantalize
Quincie P. Morris is busy these days trying to get her uncle's vampire-themed restaurant Sanguini's to successfully open, though things have been complicated by the murder of their chef Vinnie (possibly by a werewolf) and by the fact that her werewolf best friend Kieran doesn't get her not-too-subtle hints about liking him. Soon, she has to transform the restaurant's new chef Brad into a vampire sexpot who will lure in customers while her uncle and the police keep getting in the way of her relationship with Kieran. (more)

Sanchez, Alex - Rainbow Boys and Rainbow High
Sanchez is very good at doing real-life high school; his characters feel like people going through actual issues to me, and I like how sometimes they are stupid and sometimes they are not, because that's the way people (especially teenagers) are. The downside is that his prose tends to be very flat. (more)

Kim, Derek Kirk - Same Difference and Other Stories
I felt like this volume has much of the American indie comic sensibility-crowded art, neurotic characters, big focus on failed love lives-which is sad, as there's a reason why I don't read many American indie comics (I know, I stereotype). (more)

korean, sf/fantasy, multiracial, young adult, japanese, graphic novel, food/cooking, (delicious), glbt, non-fiction

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